Chapter 25

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Amanda's POV

"Good evening Miss Black what a pleasure to see you here" I smiled at him.

"The pleasure is mine and I would like to congratulate you on your upcoming wedding " he returned a smile. Then looked at Tyler who didn't seem fazed.

"And who is this charming young man?" He asked.

"He's my um..." Tyler cut me off "I'm her date Tyler Kingsley" he introduced.

"Nice to meet you Mr Kingsley. Well it was nice to see you again Amanda and it seems I'm not the only one falling in love" he whispered the last part in my ear causing me to blush.

"Good night sir" he nodded then walked off. See I knew this would happen.

"I don't understand. You were in tears hours ago but now your composed and polished like nothing happened. How? " I too a sip of my wine.

"In this business showing weakness if showing sign of defeat and I can't do that. I have people depending on my to be strong for them and I have to" I stated then turned around sensing someone was approaching me.

I was greeted by.......Mr Powers from PowerPoint industry.

"Good evening Miss Black" he smiled taking my hand and kissing it gently.

"Oh good evening Mr Powers. Nice to see you again it's been awhile" it was two months ago.

"Too along I'm afraid. I heard so much has happened with your aunt dying you taking over the company. I'm sorry I wasn't there to support you" I tried to hide my discomfort.

"It's fine really. But my personal life is none of your concern we are not in a relationship" I stated he smirked even more.

"But we soon will be" he whispered.

"Actually no you won't. I'm Tyler Kingsley her boyfriend" Mr Powers smirk fell instantly.

"So your their guy she's been walking around with. New spreads fast Miss Black" I was beginning to feel....weird so I cut our conversation short.

"Yes it does. It was nice seeing you again Mr Powers" I then pulled Tyler with me. I wanted to get as far away from that guy as possible.

"Who was he?" Tyler asked pissed. Here we go again.

"A business partner" I stated then we mingled with a few gusset until the party came to an end. Judging by the amount of people here paparazzi is bound to follow. I knew I should have drived.

We walked outside trying not to be seen but no some reporter had to stop us.

"Miss Black is it true that the company has fallen bankrupt and your now seeking employment" talk about trust. I mean it's only been a couple months people.

"No of course not. I've just been out of he spot light seeing my aunt died but I'm back now. If you excuse me I really need to go" Tyler held my hand and led us through the crowd. I tried to ignore the sparks. We were about to enter when we were stopped by yet another reporter.

"Miss Black! Please tell us how are you comping with your relationship with the famous Liam Bloodshot" I stopped in my tracks.

"Liam Bloodshot? He is only a business partner. The only relationship I have been in is with Mr Kingsley" were do they get these things from.

"But rumors have spread you are having an affair with him" I felt the grip on my wrist tighten.

"I am an eighteen year old girl who has a business to run. I have no time to be having sex with anyone. I can't afford to get pregnant at my age. Now good night" I then walked in the limousine and shut the door.

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