Chapter 8 (Christmas special part 2)

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Amanda's POV

"Merry Christmas " I faked a smile handing him the present I think this one is a quote or something about the strength of the pack. I'm really not sure.

"Your handing me a present why?" he asked I could tell he was scared but he pride got in the way.

"Because it's Christmas oh and may I please speak to the Omega of this pack?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"Uh...okay Marcus get Cassandra " I sighed knowing this was going to take a while I'm a very busy person but it's Christmas and I should remember the holiday sprit that reminds me I have to go to the meeting with the board to sort out the issue concerning my transition to CEO of the company.

"Yes alpha" I heard a timid voice say. I looked up to see a girl with dirt and scratch marks all over her. Her hair was tangled, she had dried blood along her arms with bruises covering her body. God I mean she's in the state of all the people I've tortured I mean killed- no I mean Nova's friends yeah Nova's friends ( liar liar pants on fire).

"Whats wrong?" I asked sweetly. What I wasn't completely ruthless-ish.

"Oh nothing I'm fine alpha said you called me" she whispered holding her head down.

"Yeah I called you, your coming with me for Christmas seeing they don't need you" I directed the last part to Joshua.

"You can't do that" he sneered dragging her back inside.

"According to the law book page 17, paragraph three, second line : it is anyone's right to report or take into there own hands if a pack omega is not treated correctly meaning they are not feed, given proper clothes or is being abused. And it's seems that is what's happening here so I have every right" I stated pulling her back to tell the truth she did look mal nourished.

"Fine take her see if I care" I smirked then said "Merry Christmas " before dashing away with Cameron and Cassandra.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked the former omega of the Blue moon pack.

" I'm not sure" she whispered. I sighed as we neared the house taking her out of her current state will be hard.

"Okay listen what ever they did to you back there forget it I know Joshua an ass so is Marcus, Edward and Nicholas but you've got to forget them I know I did" I muttered the last part.

"How do you know them?" she asked. I laughed at the statement how do I not know them.

"There my brothers silly well they were my brohers" I said as we entered the house.

"Wow this is bigger than my pack house!" she exclaimed looking around "former pack house".

"Cameron show her around then let her take a shower come back to me for clothes after all the is your mate" I told the demon. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"How did-" I cut him off "The way you look at her gives it away" I whispered so only he could here.

"But she's human " he argued "and your a demon living with a reaper relax it won't kill you just give it sometime" I said to him patting his back. I then made my way to my room.

"What should I wear?" I asked my self looking at the outfits set infront of me Christmas morning is tomorrow and we're going to a feast so I need a dress and some casual clothes.

"Perfect!" I squealed clapping my hands. It was a green tank top with the words : X mas on it with  a pair of decorative leggings with a red hoodie that had fur trim. I topped it of with my reindeer head band a Santa slippers ( fuzzy slippers with a Santa hat on top).

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