Chapter 30

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Amanda's POV

"Where are they?" I asked spinning around I'm my chair. Feels god to be back here the smell of death invaded my nostrils and I sighed dreamily. Smells nice.

"And why would I tell you?" Liam asked.

"Unless you want to live to see the sunrise you will tell me where they are" he smirked.

"I don't have to. If you kill me you will never find out where they are" I growled.

He was right. If I do kill him the girls die and I failed again. But if there's someone else who knows where they are. A smirk crept upon my face.

"You are of no use to me then. You aren't the only one who knows where the girls are. The humans do aswell" I looked at the sword before me the same one they used to kill my parents the same one I'm going to ukse to kill Michael.

"I have lived my life and I accept death" I can't have that now can I. He want to die he knows that there's someone else I can work with someone else I can get my information form.

"No I'm not letting you go that easy. I know which company your selling there blood to. Once the press finds out ha! You can kiss your sorry excuse for a business good bye" he didn't say anything knowing I was right.

"Victor. I don't like you. Your the first target that ever escaped a quick dealt will work for you" his eyes widened as I unchained him.

"Please no. Your shoot me already don't leave me down there" I smirked.

"No can do. Blaise needs his feeding I've been gone for so long he's probably starving" I said in a babies voice walking over to the cage. There were no bars just a little window so I could see my little pet. Blaise. The wolf I found he's an ordinary wolf other than the fact he had vampire DNA in him.

"Blaise mommy's brought you a gift" I called out. I heard a growl then there jumped out Blaise my little red wolf with black eyes not a good combination.

"I brought you some food. Wouldn't want you to starve" I opened the cell then went in to hug him. He wouldn't hurt me after all I'm the one who saved him he owes me.

"Please don't leave me here" I looked at him bored.

"Could you shut up for once. If you hadn't escaped the first time you wouldn't be in this mess" I turned back to Blaise.

"Now this is our guest Victor be gentle with him" the wolf growled at Victor who cowered back in fear.

"Good bye now mommy has to work" I closed the cell but stopped and listened to Victor's screams of pain until silence. It's either he passed out or Blaise killed him. Either away I didn't care.

"Your sick" Liam said in disgust.

"I know" I replied then skipped upstairs. I didn't have to work today it was my day off so I finally had some me time.

I smiled at my appearance in the window I stopped at the coffee shop near by. I really needed a boost of energy seeing it was my day of I thought why not some shopping bad idea.

"What can I get you?" The guy at the cash register asked.

"An iced white chocolate mocha" I told him. He nodded then went to get my drink soon he came back out with my mocha in hand. I thanked and payed him then walked out to sit outside admiring the view.

I looked at my company's building which was a couple blocks form here. I frowned can't I go one day without remembering that place. I mean all my family members once owned it but now it's just me.

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