Dating Him Would Include...

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-playful kisses
-watching Mickey Mouse
-lots of cuddles
-him surprising you
-you surprising him
-the thousands of nicknames he calls you
-waking him up
-warm hugs
-stealing his Mickey shirt
-you being his princess
-him making sure everyone knows your his
-him being able to talk to you about anything
-you being the one he warms up to
-him teaching you to use a switchblade
-long kisses
-stealing his leather jacket (despite his protest)
-causing trouble
-going to Bucks parties together
-cleaning him up after a rumble
-the gang teasing him about you
-him being protective of you
-making him chocolate cake
-cleaning him up after a roof job
-him going full doctor mode when you're sick
-being close to Soda and Pony
-calming him down when he's worried about Pony
-rubbing his back when he gets home from work
-him making sure the other girls know you're his girl
-playing with his hair
-talking to him at the Dx
-flirting in front of the gang
-him calling you his baby
-lots of hugs when you see each other
-tons of compliments
-him not being able to stay mad at you
-his smile
-small dates when you can
-him reading to you
-watching a perfect sunset
-stealing his hoodie when it's cold
-him talking to you when he's sad
-him kissing your cheek
-dating secretly
-Soda finding out
-'study dates'
- first love
-warm hugs when you get scared
-you two being scared one of you will
get jumped
-sneaking around
-playing with his hair right before he greases it back
-teaching him how to dance
-him helping you with your homework
-making him chocolate cake when Soda steals his
-a weird relationship with Darry
-him talking to you when he's scared
-kissing your hand cause he wants to be a gentleman
- actually getting to know him
-Dally knowing everything you two do
-daily double dates
-him sleeping at your house
-tracing his scars when you can't sleep
-trying to look tuff in front of you
-him hugging you randomly
-first love
-not letting anyone flirt with you
-loving your laugh
-him being slightly taller then you
-star watching
-him catching you singing
-not letting anything happen to him

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