Soda (6)

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If I use a name or a certain color for hair, it's usually because I 1. I have someone in mind while writing it or 2. It's a request.
             It was sunny morning in Tulsa, Soda was at your house rambling dreamily about horses and Steve and cars and his brothers. You smiled and nodded along, liking listening to him more than you liked talking. His voice bounced up and down the walls, saturating them in brilliance and brightening them with optimism.
"Do you wanna go to my house, the boys are probably there?" He asks suddenly.
"Tired of blue walls?" You tease, nodding towards the bright blue wallpaper your mother has picked out.
                  He gave you a piggy back ride to his house as you giggled cheerfully. He once told you that your giggles were music in his ears, that he'd record them and play them on a jukebox if he could. He was such a charmer.
                  As you arrived at the small, white bungalow, Dally sat distastefully at the front door. Two sat beside him, both smoking a cancer stick. You had met both of his brothers, Darry instantly liking you, Pony still on the fence. You were sure the gang knew of you, but they didn't know you and vise versa  for them.
"I'll be right back," Soda explained as you shrugged off of his back and he marched to the bathroom.
"Sure you don't want to follow him, you two could be all alone?" Dally said nonchalantly, no grin erupting on his face. You glared sharply, but bit your tongue.
"Of course she does," Pony mumbles.
"Even Horseman agrees!" Two bursts into laughter. You face was now bright red.
"It doesn't take a genius to see your intentions, broad," Dally growled.
"If anyone has intentions it's you, Mr. One Night Stand," you replied sharply.
"Well if he's the mister, aren't you the misses? Please, doll, tell us what you've done," Steve replied, suddenly entering the conversation.
                  Two howled in laughter and Dally and Pony smirked, Pony sinking into they couch a little uneasily. Johnny had his knees to his chest, not wanting to be involved but a look of discomfort obvious on his face. Cmon, save me here, Johnny, you silently pleaded, wanting to abruptly run from the house.
"I haven't done nothing," you mumbled, avoiding eye contact with any of the boys.
"Prude," Pony smarted.
"As if you've done anything," Johnny sassed, causing all eyes to go to him. "Just let her be."
"I know she's done something, so she's a liar," Pony pierced back, his eyes whipping from Johnny to me.
"I bet he's only helping her because she gave him something," Steve added in.
"I didn't give him anything," you declared, your uneasiness turning to anger,
"Prove it," Dallas growled.
"She isn't proving anything," Soda gritted, suddenly by the doorway. "I love her, and I thought my buds would too, but if you're just gonna insult her then maybe I should spit a few things back. It's really sad when not even my little brother will show some respect," he growled, shaking his head.
           Holding an arm around me softly, we both walked out the door and I slumped against him.
"Don't believe what they say, I love you for you."
"Thank you, Pepsi-Cola."
"Any time, doll."

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