Things You Do To Annoy Him

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Steve: ask him TONS of questions. You'll ask him questions about everything to the point where he just stops everything he's doing
Soda: fix his clothes. You'll randomly fix his collar or buttons or something and it drives him insane.
Pony: you'll get touchy. He gets embarrassed and annoyed by it so quickly. You make sure to only do it in front of Johnny though, so he doesn't get anything @ home for it
Johnny: you'll be indecisive. Usually Johnny is doing everything for you and so when you wanna make a point you just don't decide what you want
Dallas: start cleaning. You'll start acting like " a housewife " and he'll seriously want to kick you out
Two: you start acting super tired. Two is a get-up-and-go guy so when you act tired it drives him insane. He eventually gives you the " are you kidding me " look and you can't help laughing
Darry: you'll mock him. He'll be getting onto Pony or Soda about something little and you'll stand behind him mocking him

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