Cute Things He'd Do (Johnny)

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•call you beautiful
•hold your hand unexpectedly
•blush when you compliment and try to top your compliment
•being surprisingly confident around you
•throwing pebbles at your window
•making you glow when he comes up with a new nickname
•midnight dates
•Darry catching you two's midnight dates and yelling that you'll get jumped
•he always goes to you when he's worked up
•he thinks it's really adorable that you play with his hair all the time
•calling you randomly and telling you to go to the lot to watch the stars
•naming the stars after you
"That star is really pretty, I'm gonna call it the y/n star! That one is too! That one is the y/n star too!"
•whispering to you when the gang is around
•sticking up for you no matter what
•him watching your eyes light up in awe

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