Johnny (7)

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       Warmth had somehow enveloped you on the cold, crisp night. You were bundled up in blankets and sweatshirts and were fast asleep when the sound of footsteps woke you up. You began to stir in bed, your reactions still hazy from sleep.
"It's just me, sweetheart," Johnny cooed from beside the bed
         You nodded and pushed yourself farther into the blankets. Johnny had let all the cold air in when he opened the window. Soon, you felt two strong arms lift you and your bundle of blanket from your place on the bed.
            You groaned in response, but wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled into him anyway. He chuckled as he unlocked and walked out your back door. The cold air chilled you to the bone and held on tighter to Johnny.
"Cold night, huh?" You nod. You were too tired to look up and see where Johnny was taking you
               Soon enough, Johnny sat down in the bed of an abandoned pick-up truck. It was left in the lot some time ago and Johnny used it for shelter when the grass was dewy and the Curtis house was full. He also used it for countless dates.
                 Once all the motion had stopped he secured you in his arms and his back pressed against the side of the bed. You sat in his lap with legs across on the other side of him, your arms wrapped around his neck and your head nuzzled to him.
"Look up," he whispers.
                     When you do you're in pure awe of what you see. The stars rained from the sky, as if they were being cast down to earth. You were gawking in amazement at the phenomenon when Johnny chuckles. You blush, realizing how childlike you looked.
"Sorry, it's just so beautiful," you mutter.
"Never apologize for being you," Johnny assures. "Oh and if you think those stars are beautiful, you really invest in a mirror."

I'm sorry this is awful it's 4 in the morning. Is that even an excuse @ this point tho ???? We all know I don't sleep, I should be used to this 👍🏻
~ lils

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