Steve (3)

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              You were lying on your bed, curled into a ball when you felt two strong arms around your waist. Startled, you turned to see Steve with a devilish smile.
"Hey," he cheered and you smiled. He always had a way of making you smile.
"You wanna do something?" He whispered, pulling you a little closer to him. You smile again and wrap your arms around his neck.
"We could watch a movie," you suggest and push back a tuft of greased hair from his forehead.
"As long as it ain't Mickey," he complains and you fake pout. "If you seriously say you want to watch Mickey I'm leaving," he declares playfully and you giggle and nuzzle into him.
"Then no, I don't want to watch Mickey. Whatever keeps you here," you mumble, rubbing his arm that was currently wrapped around your middle.
"I didn't know you kept that," he says out of the blue.
"That picture," he explains, pointing towards your wall.
                Your wall was covered in pictures that the gang or your friends took. Most of them were from swim meets but every now and then you'd take a picture of the gang or they'd take a picture of you. There was one photo that stuck out though. It had pink Valentine's paper around it that your best friend Emma picked out.
                       It was a photo of you and Steve, of course. It was at the fair, you two, Emma and her boyfriend (who happened to be Johnny) snuck in and Emma brought her camera. Steve had his arms tightly around your waist and your arms were under the crease of his arm and around his shoulders. Your head was laid on his shoulder and his was nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
                           The photo was taken from the side so you could see both of you clinging to each other. The focus was just right so you could see faded out bright lights in the back. You smiled remembering that night, how he had spent all his money winning you a stuffed monkey, Johnny had ridden the swings for the first time, Emma almost cussed out a soc for yelling "greaser!" At Johnny and you had funnel cake.
                                There was another photo from that night next to it, but it was darker and only carnival lights illuminated the image. You could see me laughing ridiculously trying to eat funnel cake while Steve had the powder all over his face and was indeed kissing you all over. In the photo he was kissing your cheek, but you could see the powder all over your forehead, neck and mouth. It had scrapbook paper around it too.
"I like that night," you mumbled in response, blushing.
"Isn't that when Emma and Johnny first kissed?" He asked, still staring at the wall and you nodded. "Isn't that the first day I said I love you?" He added and you blushed furiously.
                        It was the first time he said I love you. It was on the ferries wheel, just the two of you since Johnny and Emma were on the swings. You had gotten to the very top and looked out to sight.
"It's beautiful," you had mumbled and he grinned.
"Yeah the view is beautiful," he replied but when you looked back he was staring at you. You swore he could see you blushing.
"You're sweet...sometimes," you smarted and he chuckled.
"I love you."
                    You were taken back, you paused and looked at him, and he was fiddling with his jacket nervously. You had scooted to him and held face in yours, kissing him softly.
"I love you too, Stevie."
                        Broken from the flashback, you nodded at Steve and he smiled cheerfully.
"I love you," he whispered, his hot breath hitting your neck making you shiver.
"I love you too," you whisper back.

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