Soda (3)

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              The cold air of the DX brushed my tear-stained cheek and I was hoping  no one could see the puffyness in my eyes. Every night I went to the DX with my almost-perfect boyfriend, Chad. We ran in for snacks and a drink and we usually enjoyed the cold air away from the Socs and Greasers. We enjoyed being ourselves in the small, confined store. I usually enjoyed seeing my close friend, Soda. I could tell Chad was always jealous, but I didn't care, Soda was sweet and kind and funny, he was the best friend I had and was practically family. 

Usually I'd love to see him. 

"I don't see what you're so mad about!" Chad screamed as we walked in and I just shook my head. 

                 I could see Soda's eyes trailing me as I tilted my head down, trying not to let tears pour from my eyes. I tried to contain the sadness that was saturating me. I had just caught my so-called perfect boyfriend lip-locked and on top of some blonde, Soc broad and I was pleading that he'd feel guilty, but he rolled off of her and sighed, asking what the hell was wrong with me. 

"It was a party!" He screamed again and I was almost too tired to think. I would've left him there if I had another ride. 

"Not here," I muttered, looking at the cold drinks. 

"Where else should we?! Buck's?! I bet she'd enjoy that!" His voice was raising with every syllable. "At least she was a better kisser!"

"Is that all I am to you?! A kisser?!" I screamed, my voice hovering above his. 

                 I felt a hard sting on my right cheek and the floor greeted me harshly. I sat there, stunned and cupping my cheek. Everyone had hit me. Everyone. My parents, the Socs, my siblings, even a teacher or two. The only thing I was confident in was that Soda and Chad would never hit me. Never sober at least. 

"You better leave," Soda rasped and I saw flames igniting in his eyes. I had just realized then that I was crying a river. 

"What if I don't?" Chad snarled, and Soda knocked him against the freezers. I whimpered and closed my eyes, but when I opened them Chad had a busted lip and was trying to break free of Soda's grasp. 

           Once Soda got Chad to leave, he greeted me on the floor with an ice pack and a soothing voice. I could hear his voice gliding into my ear, but my brain wasn't processing what he was saying. My cheek stung too much to think. Then, suddenly, I started bawling into Soda's shoulder and he pulled me into his lap, letting me cry into his chest. After what felt like hours, my tears ran out and Soda held my chin up with his hand. 

"Don't worry about him," He whispered, his face close to mine. "Don't worry about toxic people. You'll always be kind and beautiful and unbelievable to me. You'll always be perfect to me"

I let our lips meet and his hands slid to my waist cautiously.  

"You have no idea how long I've wanted that to happen," He whispered and I giggled into his cheek. 

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