Two-Bit (6)

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I would throw it all away

I just keep on wishin' that the money made ya stay

              It was an empty house with empty belongings, the only thing full of exuberance were the memories plastered in the walls of your mind. You pressed the bottle of beer to your lips once more, cringing at the taste. How did Two ever drink this so much, you thought. You gulped down another sip, thinking of Two always made you drank more. You smirked down at the copper liquid, the memories of Two practically swimming in the air. 

              He had stood up for you countless times; he forced people to see you as more than a stuck-up soc. You should've stuck up for him more often. You add that to the list of ways you could've kept him. He would pull out the slick, metallic switchblade in a heartbeat for you, the face of your bully cringing in fear of what Two could do to them with blade, or perhaps it was in fear of how often Two had used the thing. Either way, he left you far more protected than you left him. 

              Every soc wanted to jump him. He couldn't walk down the street without slurs and threats being yelled, but he propelled to see you. Of course, he couldn't afford a fancy car to protect him from the protesters. You tried to give him one though. You tried to buy him anything and everything, causing far too many fights for you to handle. 

You ain't never cared about that bull**** anyway

I just keep on wishin' that the money made ya stay

" I don't want this," Two gritted, rubbing his temple. 

"I don't understand, Keith," You proclaimed, throwing your arms in the air. It was yet another gift that he had never asked for. He thought you learned not to buy him anything after all the arguments that bubbled from the 'gifts'. "I picked that out specially for you!" You knew you were overreacting, it was only a button down shirt. You were raised to be like this, its okay, you thought at the time. 

"Yeah and how long did that take you?" He asked. 

"Time, Keith, time. Time is precious and I spent my time on you," You argued. 

"You should be spending your time with me, doll," He muttered before slipping out the door, leaving you and your gift in the empty, empty house. 

             You nod back at the haunting memory, knowing good and well that Two-Bit was right. You shouldn't have spent so much time on money, you shouldn't have tried to control him and you certainly shouldn't have tried to buy him. Oh, but all the things you could've bought him. He would've lived a high life, in the finest hair gels and sharpest switchblades. 

             He never cared though, he wanted a life in scruffy jeans and torn shoes with memories galore and friends that liked him for who he was. That was the thing about Two, he never needed to buy his relations. Unlike you, who spent thousands trying to buy the goofy boy with presents and meals and luxuries galore. 

You pressed the beer to your lips again, finding comfort in the cold glass. 

You know I would throw it all away 

            When he broke up with you, he was careful not to make you mad. You were almost confused at the words coming out of his mouth; you were almost agreeing with the words coming out of his mouth. He explained that you weren't who he thought you were, that you would be perfect for someone else and that the different sides of the street felt like different worlds.

And you agreed. 

And you let him walk out. 

              It wasn't until you saw him at school Monday morning that you realized everything you had lost, that your ignorance lost a loved one. Oh, how you wished you were still ignorant of the situation, for ignorance is bliss. He began looking at you sympathetically as you lost sleep, lost motivation, lost happiness, lost time. It was prevalent in your skin, anyone could look at you and see you had lost, but only Two knew all you had really lost. 

               You lost your happiness, the one that could make you smile at a times notice. You lost your protection, the one that made you fearless of any enemies. You lost your smile, your right-hand man, your love. And why? Because you were a stuck-up, ignorant soc girl. Now, the different sides of the street were causing worlds to form in between you and you had caused it all. Because in the end, Two was the one that put differences aside and accepted a soc and you were the one who tried to change him. 

You gulped whatever was left of the bottle and got another. 

    It was an empty house with empty belongings, the only thing full of exuberance were the memories plastered in the walls of your mind....

I just keep on wishin' that the money made you stay 

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