Pony (8)

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It's bad, but I'm back ( or @ least I think I am ) ~ Lils

         Bold light cracked across the sky, smoking the ground wherever it surfaced. You trembled, your knees pushed further into your chest and your breath hitching in fear. You were never fond of stormy weather and living alone makes the threatening clouds seem that much more frightening. Your boyfriend, Pony, of course knew this and was currently pedaling to your house. As thunder crashed, Ponyboy knocked on your door, making you jump feet into the air. 

"Coming," you mumbled, now scared of not only the storms outside, but the stranger at the door. You were delightfully surprised when you found your boyfriend standing at your door, soaking wet. 

"I brought extra clothes," He explained nonchalantly. He steps inside, peeling off his backpack and taking off his shoes

"What?" you questioned, trembling from the cold, frigid air that only left more goosebumps on your skin

"Ya know, so I don't get your furniture wet." You nod as he chuckles. "I'll get in the shower."

              You hear the water running and you crawl back onto your couch, watching the shadows of the outside world twist and turn into unspeakable terrors and all of them were coming for you. Soon enough, you were wrapped in the blanket, trembling once more. You hadn't heard Pony step into the living room, looking at you as if you were a dog that had been kicked far too many times. When he picked you up in his arms you jumped, earning a chuckle. He gently walked to your bedroom. 

"Why ya so scared of the weather anyway?" He questions. You shrug, but when he raises his eyebrow at you, you know a shrug won't suffice. 

"I always have been. No one ever protected me from the storms when I was younger," you mutter, trying not to bring up harder times. 

"So you're just scared of how they look?" 

"Well they don't sound very inviting either, Curtis," you defend, but once again he only chuckles.

"Close your eyes."

"Why wo-" you were quickly interrupted.

"Just close your eyes."

                 So, as if you were still elementary, you sat on your bed, hands over your eyes and tapping your toe on the hardwood floor to a miscellaneous beat. You heard Pony walking, or more tumbling, through your room, occasionally cursing as he tripped over who knows what. After minutes and minutes of impatiently waiting he tells you to open your eyes. 

                 All natural lighting had disappeared from your room and an orange, warm glow was now floating throughout the air. Navy blue blankets, deeper than the sky, were now covering the windows, hiding you from whatever horrors erupted outside. Pony sat next to you, a wild grin spread from cheek to cheek. You giggle at the sight of him and wrap your arms around his torso. 

"Thanks, curtis."

"Sure thing, doll." 

                 You soon find yourselves wrapped in each other, Pony reading from a book you had both loved, your head on his chest. When jokes were made you could the soft vibrations of his laugh and his warmth comforted you from whatever terrors had reached past the enclosed room. 

                 When you woke up you were engulfed in the scent of hair gel and shaving cream, Pony's scent. His arms were snaked around your waist lazily and soft snores clouded the room. The navy blue blankets caused a crisp glow throughout the room. You wiggled out of Pony's grasp, careful not to wake him, and went to the kitchen. You began roasting coffee and toasting bread, preparing the appropriate amount of sugar and creamer for both you and Pony. Soft steps came from behind you and you turned to see Pony on the opposite side of the kitchen island.  

                     Your elbows lay on the counter as you look at him. He had already started sipping his coffee. Tufts of his hair spread across his forehead, curling naturally without the support of hair gel. He looked up and grinned at you. 

"So knight in shining leather, how's the coffee?"

"Amazing," he chuckled. You laughed into your coffee, looking outside to the sun brushing through the clouds, leaving whatever debris and recklessness of the night before in only the memories of the witnesses. 

"The boys are gonna tease you," you say. 

"Now, why would they need to know, Princess?" He questions, that mischievous smile erupting once more. 

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