Pony (7)

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                           Ponyboy always said that opposites attracted. He was a firm believer in it, he wanted a soc, sporty girl who was confident in herself. He wanted someone that was nothing like him, that was until he met you. You could feel somewhere staring at you on the first day of school, and you met his grey-green eyes, more green than grey. You had to force yourself to look down and when you did you couldn't help but smile a little. 

                                 You two soon became friends, studying together, watching movies together, reading the same books. It seemed like it was a friendship made in heaven and all the guys liked you after you went along with their constant flirting. He asked you out when Soda asked you to get blankets for him since it was a cold, winter day. You couldn't reach the top shelf, but there was Pony, reaching and grabbing them for you. 

                                 When he asked you, you had to think on why he would. He wanted a girl who was nothing like him, one that could hold the entire world on her shoulders and never break.

"Why would you date me when you could have someone more unique?" You asked, staring at the blankets. 

"Because I think you're just as unique as I want. You go to the movies because you like the atmosphere of everyone colliding, not because you like the movie. You don't read a book to get the moral of the story, you write in the pages and decipher every line until you know the exact purpose of the book. You don't study because you want a job, you study because when someone offers you an adventure you want to know the first three steps to take."

"Yes, just stop rambling," I sigh, taking the blankets from him and shuffling back to the living room. There was too much noise for anyone to hear, except Darry, who had a smirk plastered to his face. 

                                 You thought it would all end when you two had your first fight. You were hopeless and assumed everything would fall apart the second he poked you. He never poked you though, not even a tap. You screamed and yelled until you were crying, in which he wiped your tear with the side of his left hand. 

"Hey, I don't like seeing pretty girls cry, clean that up this instant," He mocked with a grin. You nodded and laughed and it was over. 

                               You went on for years afterwards, trudging through ups and downs with the help of the gang and your two best friends. You thought you would never spark that point where something changed in your relationship. That was when you opened your favorite book to the first page. 'Let's start a love story' was written in shaky writing. You turned, confused and angry that someone wrote in your book. 

                                 That was when you saw Pony crouched on one knee, a sparkling ring in a small, cardboard box. 

"It's not the best box, and I couldn't afford to buy it new so it's in a cardboard box, but I hope it can do. I hope it will suffice the young lady I stared at through History class in the morning, hoping I wouldn't make a fool of myself. I hope it will suffice the first girlfriend the entire gang loved. I want it to suffice the only girl I want to love for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest I'll ever be and say yes?"

                                I nodded frantically and jumped down to hug him, his arms shaking as he slid the ring on and kissed my cheek, tears slipping down at this point. 

"C'mon, you know I don't like seeing pretty girls cry, stop that," He shook and I smiled, laughing. I wanted it to never be over. 

                          It wasn't. Specifically when I became pregnant with the next Curtis member, a small, frail girl. We decided to name her Spencer, something spunky and clever. He was thrilled, he kissed my stomach all the time, humming sweet lullabies at night. In the hospital, at three in the morning, the pain was finally decreasing and Spencer Leah Curtis was brought into the world. (Leah if you're reading this I'm surprised you've gotten this far. She knows what I'm talking about). 

                              When the doctors brought her back to the room, Pony asked if he could hold her first and I nodded happily. He held her small body in his arms and smiled brightly into her grey-green (more grey than green) eyes. He bounced on the balls of his feet, something he only did when he was nervous or racing, and gleamed to me, water in his eyes. When he handed her to me, I held her red and wrinkled body in my arms. I couldn't help it, I burst into tears. I put someone into this world and I would protect her at any costs. 

 "Babe, I don't like seeing the water works from such pretty girls, gotta ask ya to stop," He murmured and I smiled brightly. As guests were let in, the gang walked. 

"I'm still sad you didn't name her Minnie,"Two grumbled. 

"Oh, shut it, Two," Pony teased back. 

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