Ponyboy (6)

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                  It was the last track meet of the season and my wavy brown hair was disheveled across my now sticky face. We were about to start again when Ponyboy Curtis, a boy I had become close to, approached me.
"Hey Sil, Darry wants to know if you'd like to come over after the meet," he offers cheerfully and I nod, chugging down a sip of water. "Awesome, I'll go tell him," he proclaims and jogs off.
                          As the meet starts up again Pony and I are head and head. We're going back and forth between first and second and the end is getting closer and closer. When we finish they call it a tie.
"I obviously won," Pony teased and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"You keep believing that, Horseman," I joked and the gang came up.
                        I had met the gang when Pony and I had a project together and when we started hanging out, they just accepted me as one of them. Soda and Darry treated me like brothers now, knowing my brothers were complete jerks. Two loves to joke with me and Steve always plays card games with me. Dally usually just scolds me for smoking, saying a pretty girl shouldn't waste her breath on smoke. Johnny and I were real close, I usually let him camp at my house when his parents start at him
                           We all hustled to the Curtis household and Darry started cooking as soon as we walked in. After three card games with Steve, a long smoke with Johnny and Pony and a lecture from Dally, we were all pretty bored.
"I know what we should do!" Soda hollered.
"Hmm," Two asked, trying to make a beer can pyramid.
"Truth or dare," Soda exclaims with a bewildered look in his eye.
                     We all agree but get terrified with Steve and Soda have a devilish grin on their face. Two dares Steve to call his mom and say he needs tampons, Two dares Soda to throw all of his cancer sticks in the yard, and Dally dares Johnny to eat an only peanut butter sandwich with nothing to drink.
"Pony!" Soda hollers and Pony looks to his older brother scared. "I dare you to kiss Sil," he hums with a grin. 
"Soda," Pony moans.
"What, it's not like you don't want to, he'll that's all you talk about," Dally complains, puffing smoke from between his lips and Pony's ears get red hot.
                      I can feel him lean over slightly to kiss my cheek, but I turn my head swiftly and lay a sweet kiss on his lips. It takes him a second to realize what's happening but soon he's kissing back too and I can feel all the blood in my body rush to my face. We break apart when Steve whistles and Soda yells, "get it little brother!"

Let's just say now I'm his girl and truth or dare has to be my favorite game.

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