What He Thinks About Your Clumsiness

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Pony is actually pretty clumsy too so he feels bad for you. He feels the pain and he usually brings you an ice pack out of sympathy
Johnny is usually confused about how you fell or didn't know there was a wall there. You'd try to explain it to him and eventually he'd just start laughing and shaking his head
Steve found it hilarious. It didn't matter if you broke your entire face, he was howling like a monkey about it. Soda usually had to help you off the floor and you'd slap Steve
Soda found it funny once he knew you were okay. He'd help you up and make sure you didn't hurt or anything and once he had he'd just sit back and laugh about it, making you laugh too
Darry was somewhat annoyed about it. He'd be super stressed out and then you'd fall and break all of your bones and now he was even more stressed out, so he tried to baby proof everything.
Two found it hilarious. He'd usually fall on the ground laughing, which caused you to laugh and now you were two idiots laughing like maniacs on the floor (that is until someone told you two to get up, in which you'd fall again and the process would repeat)
Dally would just shake his head and help you up. He usually pretended like it didn't happen until you two were alone, then he'd tease you about it and you'd slap him playfully and then you two would start wrestling around

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