Johnny (3)

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            It was cold outside and pouring rain. You felt it pelt your back as you cursed under your breath. You dad had just ran you out again and your mom didn't do anything to stop it. You just wanted to go see your boyfriend, Johnny. You were sure he'd be at the Curtis house since it was raining. Opening the door, Johnny's eyes met yours.
             Those eyes. They were unfathomable. They were dark brown, never ending, and beautiful. You were so lost in them that you didn't realize Johnny was pulling you inside.
"You're gonna get sick," he whispered, wrapping a blanket around you.
                Johnny was a real sweetheart. When you told him you didn't know how to feel about dating, he gave you space to figure it out and when you told him about your abusive dad, he held you and whispered that it'd be okay. For awhile, only Dally knew about ya'll's relationship, but then Two caught him kiss you in the lot and Two couldn't keep his mouth shut.
                    When Johnny realized you weren't paying attention he kissed your forehead. He always did that as a way to get your attention, although he was never too jealous, just protective.
"You okay?" Johnny mumbled in your ear and you nodded slowly, suddenly feeling lightheaded.
"Tired," I confessed, and he nodded.
               Once everyone had left Johnny led you to the couch. The low hum of the tv filled your ears until you felt Johnny chuckle. You had your head in his lap, so you could feel it start way down in his gut.
"What?" You murmur lethargically.
"You just look so silly when you sleep," he chirps, pecking your cheek. You snuggle into him.
"I love you," Johnny whispers in a low, sweet voice.
"I love you too, Johnnycakes," you reply before falling into a peaceful slumber

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