How Ya'll Cuddle

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Dally and you cuddle with your body on top of his chest and his chin on your head. One of his arms are over your middle back and the other is around your shoulders
Two-Bit and you cuddle with his chest against your back and his head slithered into the crook of your neck. One of his arms were around your stomach and the other crossed from your stomach to your shoulder. Your arms wrapped around his
Darry sleeps with his arm around your waist and your head on his chest. His other arm would be holding yours that always found its way to his chest
Ponyboy and you cuddled like Darry and his girl, but both of his arms would be at the same shoulder where he had fell asleep reading to you
Johnny usually fell asleep in the crook of your neck, hugging you around the middle. You always wrapped an arm around his shoulders and played with his hair until he fell asleep
Soda and you cuddle facing each other in a bear hug. Soda's arms are always around your waist and yours are always under his arms, your legs intertwined

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