Dally (4)

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This wasn't my idea, I read someone write it and thought it was cute but I unfortunately can't remember who wrote it
Dally's POV:
                      Her wispy hair laid on my chest, curling in every which way. The sun glares through the blinds in a way that made every strand glow perfectly. I didn't want to leave, but of course I had to. I had promised Two I'd help him with something before school.
                         I groaned and started to sit up when I heard a mumble coming from the beautiful girly sleeping on my chest. Her arms wrapped around me instinctively and she held on tighter. "Don't go," she mumbles, still half asleep.
"I have to, I promised Two," I remind, kissing her head and slipping out of bed. She doesn't let go of my until I'm about to pull her out of bed and then she just groans.
                             I look back at her and now she's sitting up. She looked beautiful, her cheeks rosy and her eyes bright. She wasn't like any other girl I had ever dated. I usually dated tough girls, the ones that could get into trouble and not mind, but she was sweet and goofy. She could always make me smile, and man I think I really do love her.
                               I chuckle at the sight of her and walk back over. I bend over  so I'm about her height (of course she's sitting on the bed) and wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her lips gingerly. She tiredly kissed back before muttering, "you shouldn't go, I'll be lonely."
"I'll be back," I explain in a low whisper, one that made her shiver.
"Your hair is weird," she mumbles, ruffling up my hair and I laugh at her.
"Is that so?" She only nods.
"Well I think your hair is weirder," I say matter-of-factly. She shakes her head, still focused on my hair.
                        I flip back on the bed, holding myself up on my forearms so I wouldn't crush her. I smirk as she as she stares at my arms, slightly confused. She was adorable when she first woke up, not really noticing the important things around her.
"Your hair is most definitely weirder," I proclaim.
"Oh yeah?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "Well you can fight me about that."
                         I let her flip me on my back and she sits on my chest, proud of herself. I chuckle at her fake superiority. "You really are something," I mutter, kissing her lips again.
"So you'll stay?" She questions.
"Fifteen minutes," I assure, playfully rolling my eyes before I kiss her again.

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