How ya'll Get Over A Fight

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Pony: You get to the bottom of the problem. If a problem was brought up, you shouldn't leave it unsolved (Buzzfeed ?????? iykyk). You wouldn't stop fighting and working through it until there was a solution

Soda: Darry gets involved. You two have avoided the problem long enough for Darry to realize and he forces you two to actually talk about it and stop avoiding each other. 

Johnny: You two are crying. The fighting becomes too stressful and you two erupt into emotions. Both of you quickly drop the subject and go into comfort each other. You'll go back to it when you both have clearer heads. 

Dally: You're tired. Whether it be from fighting or being actually tired, you just don't want to fight anymore. So, you decide to stop. Maybe you'll take into consideration what the other person said, maybe not, but you weren't screaming at each other any more. 

Steve: The real problem is brought up. As soon as the serious issue gets brought up, you two begin acting mature. You two know how easily the relationship could slip through your hands if you cut up during a serious argument and neither of you would let that happen

Darry: You realize. Both of you come to your senses about the topic and realize one of you was wrong. It's a tough world and you want each other's lives to be perfect, but you can't force the other to do anything. You both realize that and apologize.

Two: Someone else steps in. Neither of you can hide your emotions, so the people around you are quickly alarmed and intervene. They leave the serious decision making to the two of you, but you both needed to see the situation from an outside perspective. 

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