Cute Things He'd Do (Dally)

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•cuddle with you if you two were alone (he actually loved it but didn't want to admit it)
•he always wants you to sit on his lap
•he'll brush your hair in the morning if you're really tired
"God why do you have so much hair?"
"Yeah I know it's early"
•him taking super good care of you when you're sick
•he's secretly a sweetheart to you
•he always makes you feel better if you're down
"Look you can't cry because then I'll cry and then I'll look soft, that can't happen, plus when I go to beat their ass I can't have tear stained cheeks, so you better wipe them tears up, ya dig, gorgeous?"
•he never lets you smoke (ever)
•he takes you out every Friday
•he always begged you to cook
•when he catches you singing he'll start clapping and beg you to sing again
"Cmon, please."
"No, you weren't supposed to hear that"
"Noooo, go away"
•you two always play fought
•he'd let you win at card games and pool games sometimes
•he always has you in his lap with his head held high and yours held higher when the gang is around
•he got caught saying I love you (you're the first girl he's ever said that to) in front of the gang and Darry gave you a long talk about how important it was
•him actually being a really great boyfriend

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