Ponyboy (4)

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I curled up in my bed, holding my cat in my hands cautiously. I knew I was sick. My head was pounding, my throat was on fire and I had the sniffles, but Steve, my older brother, left before I could complain. I knew he'd go to school, then the DX, and then home, and I worried that I'd never get medicine. Then I heard the doorbell ring. I attempted to scream for them to come in, but I ended up having a coughing attack.
Then I felt a cold hand on my forehead. The chilling sensation was amazing, and I wanted the person to stay there as my skin was burning hot. "You don't look so good," they mumbled and I looked up to see my boyfriend, Ponyboy. I could only nod.
I watched him walk out of the room and silently begged for him to come back, but soon he was back with tissues, medicine and a glass of water.
"Sit up," he insisted, and I did as told.
Handing me three pills, he told me to take them and then explained what each one did. I grabbed the water from his hands and swallowed the pills. Since he knows I hate swallowing pills, Pony rubbed my back as I did. When I had swallowed all three I patted the room on the bed next to me and pushed my cat to the other side.
He crawled into the bed and wrapped an arm around me carefully. His whole body was cold, so I nuzzled closer into him, earning a chuckle from him and he held me closer.
"You'll be alright, the medicine will kick in and then you'll feel better. You should rest though, most healing happens when you're asleep be-" I cut him off by kissing his cheek, causing him to blush deeply.
"You don't need to explain it to me, I know," I mumble, my voice coming out hoarse. He nods and kisses the top of my head.
After a few minutes of laying with each other I can feel the medicine kicking in making me drowsy. I can feel my eyelids getting heavy and my body yearning for sleep.
"Pony?" I whisper.
"Hmm?" He moans and I then realized he had fallen asleep.
"Do you care if I fall asleep?" I stutter out, slightly apprehensive.
"I'd be more worried you you didn't,"he chuckles and I nod snuggling into his side.
"Goodnight, cutie," he says, kissing my head.
"Goodnight, handsome," I mumble gingerly

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