What ya'll fight about

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Pony: His gratitude. You thought he took too many things for granted. It would start with you correcting him or explaining the value of someone/something to him and it would slowly unravel into more

Johnny: His parents. You wanted him to go to the police or at least stay at your house, but he insisted on otherwise. He would fight with his parents and not tell you, but when you found out (through Dallas, of course) you were always livid. 

Darry: His work. You wanted him to take a vacation or maybe come home earlier. You saw the work he put in and wanted him to get recognized for it. He would try explaining things to you, but soon you were both frustrated and sympathetic all at once. 

Dally: His record. You thought the past was in the past, but when he would erupt into violent and dangerous stories you would quickly get short tempered. You wanted nothing to do with his past and he thought of the stories as trophies. 

Two: His employment. You grew to know Two as a family guy and the drinking rarely irritated you, but when you thought of his mom carrying all the weight you would slowly explode. Two would do something to annoy you and you would bring it up, getting more and more mad as you talked. 

Steve: His temper. Of course you loved him more than anything, but you wanted him to chill out. You were soon confused when he was yelling about small things, making you more than irritable. 

Soda: His sympathy. You loved his big heart but wanted him to see things for how they were. He would try explaining to you why you should feel sympathetic or sorry for the situation, but you wanted him to see it purely and raw. It was a gradual incline to you two ignoring the topic at any point later on. 

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