Things He Does to Annoy You

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Steve: pretend he can't hear/see you. He'll pull the " do y'all hear something ? " while you're talking.
Pony: he'll dramatically start drawing you. His elbows WAY out on both sides, yelling at you to sit still, acting a complete stereotype. He knows you don't like him drawing you anyway so when he makes a big deal about it it gets under your gears
Johnny: the famous silent treatment. Sure, Johnny didn't talk much...around others. But when he wanted to bug you he'd shut up real quick, it would drive you mad
Soda: he starts making annoying noises. Clicking his tongue, smacking his lips, tapping, drumming, really anything. When you yell @ him to stop he just does it louder.
Two: he'll start getting really loud on purpose. He'll be goofing around in public and just start yelling ( whether it's sweet nothings or his famous one-liners depends on the day )
Darry: pretend he isn't listening while you're talking. He'll be like " mhm sounds great baby "  
Dallas: he'll seriously not listen to you. He's usually trying to get back at you for doing something so he just won't listen at all

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