Annoying Things About The Outsiders Imagines

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I'm guilty for most of these so let's just laugh at them together
-it's illegal to date Darry, Steve or Two
Like, come again????
-Soda is super sweet and doesn't flirt with anyone
But in the book it said he did flirt with girls, it said even Pony did
-Pony knows nothing about girls whatsoever
I mean obviously he does if he was staring at Cherry like that but that's none of my business 🐸☕️
-Dally is super sweet and one girl can make him stop his entire lifestyle
Like I get he'd be more sweet but he'd still go to jails and never admit that he was sweet
Ya can't stop the Winston
-Steve is super cocky about everything
-Johnny is only in the lot or the Curtis house....he could go to the movies or Dairy Queen or something, he does go other places
-the Curtis house is a hotel
Your character is not staying at the Curtis house for eternity, I know Soda is cute but ya gotta leave
-no parents
If I spent so much time checking into the Curtis hotel my parents would kill me in the Curtis hotel, just saying
-everyone just moved to Tulsa
-Darry is abusive
I mean that was probably the first time Darry ever hit pony cause pony FREAKING RAN AWAY INSTEAD OF JUST GIVING EVERYONE TIME TO COOL OFF AND THEN WORKING IT OUT but ya know that's none of my business 🐸☕️
-Dally is a player
I mean he broke up with Sylvia for cheating on him so obviously he has a problem with cheaters
-Johnny also knows nothing about girls
-Johnny is okay with everything
"Johnny let's go to the dingo"
"Johnny let's watch the sunset"
"Johnny let's go kill someone"
-everyone loves sunsets
-Darry is always serious
No Darry is a giant teddy bear
-Darry also knows how to dance
Darry should teach me how to dance. I look like a chicken dying when I dance. I mean I thought it was a white people thing to not know how to dance but appreantly Darry's got them moves like jagger
-two only talks about Mickey and only watches Mickey and only speaks Mickey language
Two named his child Mickey
Since when??????
-"hi I'm Pony, I'll be checking you into the Curtis hotel, please allow our bellhop, Soda, to carry your bags to your room"
-two stops drinking for you
-everyone stops everything for you
-no one addresses the fact that Johnny and Dally were suicidal
-sandy is back
Soda still loves her

Honestly I'm guilty of like all of these but I thought it was fun to make fun of the fandom sooooo oh 🐳. Comment more so we can rant in the comments because ranting is fun. 

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