The Way Yall Fight

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Pony: Rarely, however abruptly and privately. You two hardly ever fight but when you do, no one expects it. You refuse to fight in front of others though, you'd prefer to do it alone where your true emotions can be heard

Darry: Maturely but still causing lots of stress. Of course you two would never say something you may regret, but you still feel the punch in every word. You begin to pace when you two fight and he'll rub his temple, the stress evidently bubbling in both of you

Johnny: Carefully and caring. You two only fight because you're worried about each other, never from irritation. However, both of you are extra careful not to say the wrong thing, scared of how harsh your words may come across

Soda: Surprisingly and silently. No one ever knows when you two are fighting, you try to keep a face around the public. You both keep in mind that you love each other, but refuse to speak to each other because the infuriating topics under the masks. 

Steve: Loudly and numbly. You two hardly ever know what you're saying. One topic will go to another which will go to another. All the topics are nit picky and avoiding the underlying problem, but you two scream at one another none the less. 

Dally: Harshly and loudly. There's no holding back, anything that goes through you two's heads is fair play. It's almost as if you two fight to one up the last person's comment. Soon you two will tire out but not before the insults roll out. 

Two: Maturely but breaking both of you. You both try your hardest in every inch of the relationship, any and every fight is a punch to the gut. It starts as an annoyance, but as it goes on you can't help but regret bringing up the topic in the first place. You 

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