Cute Things He'd Do (Darry)

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•shoulder kisses (all the time)
•he tries to scare you a lot too
•hugs from behind
•long hugs
•he'll randomly throw you over his shoulder
"Darrel Curtis put me down right now!"
"But doll!"
•he acted his age around you
•he's actually just a giant teddy bear
•him being super protective over you
•him punching Dally because Dally flirted with you in an attempt to annoy Darry
•him never wanting to ask you for anything so everything is guess work
"You look like you hurt."
"I'm fine, hon."
"Come here."
"Back rub."
•he'd have to find his newspaper after you hid it
"Y/N where the hell did you put my newspaper?!"
"Find it!"
•he'd always go to you if he was mad at Pony because he knows you'd be mad at him for yelling at Pony
•he's super happy that Soda and Pony like you and that you like them
•he makes you food like all the time
•surprisingly, he tells you pickup lines too (he'll whisper them in your ear and when you bust out laughing it'll leave the gang confused)
•he loves being cuddly in front of the gang to see how hard Pony will blush
•he lets you step on his feet when you dance
•he loves hugs
Like a lot
A lot
•him being convinced by Pony to stop buying you stuff because this boy will buy you anything you want
•he loves when you sit with him in his recliner

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