Soda 4 Part 2

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                                    It had been two years since he walked out that door and everyday seemed to make you miss him more. You sent both brothers letters constantly, telling Darry how much Pony has grown up, sending him pictures of Pony and telling him how everyone was holding up. You hoped he read the letters to Soda and showed him the pictures, you knew he'd like that. You sent Soda love letters though. Letters telling him how much you missed him, how much you wanted him back . You were reading his most recent letter now. 

Dear Y/N, 

                      This is the first time I've really been able to write, so I'm taking advantage of it. I can't tell you where I am, but I can tell you I'm okay, so don't worry about me or Darry. I miss you so much. I miss when you laugh at movie scenes or your smooth hand in my calloused one or sleeping with you in my arms. I miss you (your eye color) eyes and (your hair color) hair. I miss you to the this world and the next. 

                       It's boring here. I'm sure I'm supposed to be finding some sort of pride in all of this but I can't. It's either too boring to enjoy or too gory to picture. I never want to come  back or raid anymore houses ever. Never. I want to be with the gang, teasing Pony about being a blondie and laughing at Two's jokes and holding you in my lap. 

                             I really do miss you and love you, and I'll be home soon, I promise. I love you, Princess. 

                                                              Your love, 

                                                                               Sodapop Curtis. 

                             You held the note in your shaky hands. He had wrote it a month ago and Darry's last letter was farther back than that and you were slightly worried about the boys. You were sure they could handle it, but you didn't want to give them the benefit of the doubt and it come back to bite you. Tears blurred your vision and rubbed them away panicked. You hated when Pony saw you cry, it made him think there was a reason to be worried. 

"He'll be back," Pony whispered from the door frame. He had gotten taller and stockier, growing out of his brother's shadows and becoming his own being for once. 

"I know," You quivered. He hugged you sympathetically. 

"I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight," He mumbled and you nodded and you watched him stumble into what used to be Darry's bedroom. 

                           You collapsed onto Soda's old bed and wished it still had his scent. You slowly walked to his closet, your newly showered body still in pajamas, and you picked out his red flannel that he loved. You let it envelope you and protect you as you slumped back in bed, slowly letting sleep take over. 

                                A pair of lips gently kissed yours and your eyes opened shakily. You grunted, only seeing a vision of honey hair, not wanting to kiss whoever it was. You were saving all your kisses for Soda and whoever's sick idea it was to kiss you was gonna get a whole lot of screaming. 

                                His honey hair perked up and you looked into bright green eyes. The man flashed you a movie-star grin. 

"Soda?" You whimpered and he nodded smoothly. 

"I'm back, baby."

                               You jumped up, wrapping your legs around his torso and nuzzling into the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around you protectively and you realized they were stronger than before. Happy tears were rushing down both of your faces as you pulled back and kissed passionately. 

                               It was like two old friends meeting and remembering all the old memories. The memory where he tugged at your hair or cuddled on the couch or watched movies or he'd be flirty just to gross out the gang. You missed this old friend. 

"Man, look at ya doll, you're more beautiful than I remember," He chuckled and you giggled. "I mean your hair got longer and you're wearing my god forbid flannel. Girly, you know how much I love that, doll." He brushed back a lock of your hair and you giggled, pulling him into another kiss. 

"Well look at you two." 

                          You perked up and there stood Darry, his hair far shorter than Soda's. You jumped down and hugged Darry tightly. 

"I like seeing my kid-brother and his girl together again," He mumbled and you giggled, stumbling back to Soda where he put his arms around your shoulders and yours encircled his waist. 

"Hey Dar, I think I'm gonna marry this girl," Soda proclaimed and you grinned happily, nuzzling into him. 

"She sure is a keeper, buddy," Darry replied, walking out. 

Later on you realized Soda wasn't joking. When you said yes he was a ball of joy. 

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