Cute Things He'd Do (Steve)

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•sing to you in the car
•hug you from behind unexpectedly
•tease you as a joke
Ex: "damn y/n you're almost as hot as that car"
"Yeah, I mean look at that car"
•blast your favorite song when picking you up
•kiss your cheek when he has food on his face (to annoy you)
•pick you up bridal style
•annoying nicknames (cutie pie, snockums, etc.)
•forbidding you from smoking
•playing with your hair
•praise you (ex: "yesssss girl")
•wanting you in his arms all the time
•trying to act tough in front of the gang (you usually try to embarrass him because he tries to act so tough)
•kissing you all the time
•him not caring about PDA as long as y'all weren't making out
•him always teasing you about how small you are

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