Johnny (6)

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It was a cold, crisp night when it happened. I just wanted to find my kitten, I couldn't sleep without her and she had gone missing that morning. Being a naive seven year old, I went out looking for her, my feet bare on the icy ground and I was shivering madly, but I was determined to find my kitten. I wandered down the open streets calling her name, my voice small and squeaky in the night air. 

"Are you looking for a cat?" I heard behind me in a low whisper. 

When I turn around a boy with long, raven hair and chocolate eyes is staring at me, a bruise on his cheek and his clothes too baggy for his form. I nodded, scared now. He nodded sympathetically and waved me over. As I followed I shivered in my own skin, cursing myself for forgetting a jacket. He turns suddenly, a black cat in arms and a grin on his face. 

"She wandered around, I found her," He gleams with a smile. I grin and nod, taking her from him. 

"I'm Y/N."

"I'm Johnny, I'm eight," He explains, slumping onto the cold grass. 

"I'm seven," I reply. "Want to be friends, Johnny?" 

"Of course," He nods. 


I broke into a sprint when I saw his jean jacket in front of me. Dallas turns his head and grins mischievously, nodding me on in approval. I jump,  my hands on his shoulders pushing myself up as I straddled my legs around. He laughed and slung his arms under my legs as I sense of support as I laughed too. 

"Hi, Y/N."

"How do you know it's me, it could be Pony?" I tease and Pony turns, shaking his head and laughing. 

"Because Pony walks in front of me, I'm pretty sure I'd see him coming," He explains. I quickly put my hands over his eyes. 

"Now you wouldn't." He sighs and shakes his head. 

So we walked, me on his back, him holding me up, our hair burning in the Summer sun and our voices happy because we're talking to each other. Johnny Cade soon became my best friend after he found my cat. I learned about his family problems, he learned about my friend problems  and we soon became the solution for each other. He stayed at my house at nights and we were friends, that's all it took. 

Things started getting awkward when Dallas broke the news that Johnny liked me, and of course I didn't believe him at first, but the change in attitude when I came was proving Dallas was right, and I was stuck confused. Of course I liked Johhny, I've liked him since I was nine, but how was I supposed to tell him that? Right, I wasn't. 

 The day was coming to an end, we had watched a movie at the Daily Double, visited Soda and Steve at the DX and then dropped by Buck's to play pool. It took a lot of convincing to get Buck to let us in, but after a few games I learned that Johnny sucked at pool, which made his cheeks rosy. As he walked me home he rambled about a book Pony kept talking about, he used his hands to explain things and made sound effects. Johnny usually didn't talk or explain things, but when he does, he really gets into it. 

Without thinking, you took his hands, that were moving through the air, into yours, moving his to your waist as you moved yours to his neck. You closed the gap between you two as your lips worked together for a sweet, blissful moment. You dipped away from him in a moment, your face red. 

"Sounds like a great book Johhny, thanks for walking me home."

"Y-yea, no problem, Y/N," He shivered out. "We should do that again," He adds. 

"Tomorrow," You giggle before disappearing into the confines of your house.  

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