Chapter Eleven: His Text

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Aliana's POV

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Aliana's POV

"You two know each other?" Marie observed, pointing at Vicky, then at me, putting two and two together.

Vicky turned to her mom. "Yeah! We do. We go to the same school." I was confused. I always thought Vicky hated me for some reason, but there was no sign of hatred in her voice.

"Wow! That's great. That means you two will get along great!" Marie exclaimed.

"Wait, Mom. Is she the one you were telling me about?" Vicky turned back to me. 

I smiled slightly at her and waved. "Yep. That's me."

Vicky squealed and grabbed my arms. "This is great! I was worried that I was going to get stuck with some young, annoying girl. But this is way better! We're gonna be best friends!"

Vicky didn't seem to be half bad. Maybe this wasn't the worst thing in the world. "Yeah. It will be great!" Vicky grinned and let go of my arms. 

"Well, I'm glad you two will get along so well, but we have to go look for the dresses. Also, we have to go see if the other three bridesmaids are here yet," Marie said.

"Okay, Mom," Vicky said. She turned to her mom, and Marie led us to the front where three woman were standing. They all looked about Marie's age. Probably in their late thirties.

"Marie!" one of them exclaimed. She had silky black hair that ended at her lower back. Her blue eyes shined with excitement.

"Sadie!" Marie pulled Sadie into a hug, then she greeted the other two woman. One had very-light blonde hair and green eyes. And the other had dark brown hair, chocolate skin, and chocolate brown eyes.

"And who's this?" Sadie asked Marie, gesturing towards me.

"Oh! That's Aliana, Tom's daughter," Marie explained. 

Sadie smiled at me. "My, isn't she gorgeous." 

I smiled at her. "Thank you, ma'am."

"Ali, this is Sadie," -she gestured towards Sadie- "Faith," -she gestured towards the blonde haired woman. Faith waved- "and Zunia." she gestured towards the chocolate skinned woman. Zunia smiled sweetly and waved.

"Hi," I greeted, waving shyly. It was weird meeting so many grown woman in two seconds.

Marie clapped her hands together. "Well, we should probably start looking for dresses!" Everyone nodded and we started towards the racks of dresses.


"Too shiny. Too silky. Too long. Too short." Marie couldn't seem to choose a dress. She had a complaint about every single dress we all tried on. I was starting to get sick of trying on dresses. I had tried on about ten dresses at this point.

We all sat in the dressing room in our silk robes, waiting for the woman to come back with our next dresses. Sadie, Faith, and Zunia were all sipping champagne and chatting, while Vicky and I sat there with our lukewarm water.

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