Chapter Forty-Two: Tyler Steps In

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Aliana's POV

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Aliana's POV

Ashton walked towards the couch with no words. He put his head in his hands and sighed. I took a couple of cautious steps towards him.

"Ashton, it's fine-"

He cut me off. "No, it's not fine. He's claiming you when you aren't even his. You're mine," he said angrily. My teeth clenched. I didn't like his territorial side, and I didn't like the fact that he was using it on me. I sat down next to him.

"Don't say that. You don't need to act like a rabid animal claiming their territory. I'm not going anywhere, so you don't have to worry. It doesn't matter if Tyler says that, because nothing he says will change my mind, because I love you," I told him truthfully. He lifted his head from his hands to look at me.

"I love you too, Alibear. I'm sorry I'm acting life this. I'm not going to let Tyler get in the middle of what we have going on here. I want it to stay this way; just you and me," he confessed quietly, his mouth close to my ear. I nodded slowly. He lifted his head and pressed his lips onto mine softly.

I promised that I would stay with him, that I wouldn't leave. I promised. And he promised that Tyler wouldn't get in the middle of us. Neither of us kept those promises. Both of us planned to, but sometimes, one person can wreck everything.


"I don't want to go back to school," Zora whined as me, Fiona, and Zora walked to school that Monday. Winter break was officially over, which meant schoolwork was back on.

"Ugh, I know," Fiona agreed. I nodded, but I was distracted by Ashton and Will, who were walking in front of us. Ashton kept turning around and doing things to make me forget about my friends, but I wasn't going to ignore my friends anymore.

"Seriously. Tell me about it," I said, turning my head away from the boys. Fiona linked her arms through mine and Zora's.

"Well, at least we can all see each other everyday, again," Fiona exclaimed. 

Zora grinned. "Yes! I've missed hanging out with you guys. You two get to see each other every single day, yet I'm stuck in my house with my grandparents from England while the rave with my parents about old British bands. The only British band I would want to rave about is One Direction."

"OMG! Yes, they were my jam!" I exclaimed. Ever since the band separated, I had been mourning the loss by listening to all of their albums on repeat on Spotify. Some said it was a waste of time, but I disagreed.

Fiona wrinkled her nose. She was the only one out of the three of us that didn't really like 1D. Zora and I thought she was crazy. "And I have to suffer through all of those songs since we share a room. I may have to ask my parents to get an add-on for our house so I can have my own room."

I gasped and covered my heart in mock hurt, "I am hurt by your proclamation, Fiona Elizabeth."

Fiona rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, your highness." We all giggled, and Fiona pulled us closer. It was so nice to have the trio back together once again after a couple months of being apart.

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