Chapter Seventeen: Zora's Back

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Aliana's POV

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Aliana's POV

I rubbed my eyes and rolled over, slapping the snooze button on my alarm clock. I heard Fiona move around from the top bunk, but I knew she wouldn't be awake for another half an hour. I rolled out of bed (like, actually rolled), and went to the bathroom to start fixing my hair which was probably a rat's nest. 

My eyes widened when I saw my reflection. What was I doing in my sleep anyways? I grabbed my brush from the counter and started trying to fix my hair. 

I put the brush down after ten minutes of trying to just pull the brush through my hair. It was hopeless. I pulled a hair elastic from the drawer and put it in a messy bun with much struggle. Then I grabbed a black elastic headband. It looked way better. 

I went back to our bedroom and climbed the ladder to see if Fiona was awake yet. Her eyes were closed and I could hear her soft snoring. I huffed and climbed down the ladder. 

I went over to our closet and went to my side of it. I grabbed a dark gray drawstring sweatshirt and some skinny jeans. I slipped on some gray anklet socks and bounded downstairs.

I found Mrs. Reams in the kitchen making some cereal at the counter. She turned around when she heard me and smiled.

"Good morning, Ali."

I sat down at the counter. "Good morning."

She pushed a bowl of cereal towards me. I took it happily and started eating it. Captain Crunch was literally the best cereal ever.

I finished off the cereal and drank the sweet, sugary milk before standing up and grabbing my backpack. I was planning on reading a little under the tree in the front yard.

"Is Fiona up yet?" Mrs. Reams asked me.

I shook my head. "No. Like always."

She scoffed. "That girl"

"I'm gonna be outside," I told her.

"Okay. I'll send Fiona out in ten minutes," she said. I nodded and went out the door, closing it behind me.

Time to get some reading in. I walked over to the tree and laid down before grabbing my book from my backpack.


Fiona came out exactly ten minutes later. She somehow managed to braid her hair and put on reasonable clothes. I stood up, shoving my book into my bag as I did so, and walked over to her.

"Ready to go?" I asked her. She nodded and we started down the walkway.

"Ali! FiFi!" I looked up to see Zora bounding towards us.

"Z!" Fiona and I exclaimed in unison. She ran towards us and pulled us both in for a huge hug. The trio was officially back.

"I missed you guys so much!" Zora exclaimed.

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