Chapter Thirty-Eight: Not So Marry Christmas

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Aliana's POV

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Aliana's POV

"It's Christmas!" Fiona exclaimed the next morning. I groaned and rolled over, feeling like I needed way more sleep to actually feel like a human being. She shook my shoulder. "Wake up!" 

I rolled back over and opened my eyes to look at the clock. 7 o'clock. "Ugh, Fiona. Couldn't you at least wait until eight?" I asked as I shielded my eyes from the light in the room with my hands.

"Uhm, no! Are you crazy?" she asked me, then shook me again. This was one of the times where twelve-year-old Fiona shines through. I sighed and sat up in bed. I flattened my messy curls, which didn't really do much, and followed Fiona downstairs.

Fiona left to wake up the rest of the family while I turned on the fireplace and popped in a Christmas CD. The music piped through the radio, making me feel very excited for that morning.

A couple of minutes later, Fiona came down with the rest of the family. They all looked just as tired as me.

"Can I just go back to bed?" Lukas asked. Fiona gave him a look of shock.

"Of course not!" she exclaimed. He gave her an annoyed look before going to the couch and flopping onto his back onto the cushions. Mr and Mrs. Reams came out of the kitchen with cups of coffee.

Mrs. Reams started handing out presents, after we opened stockings, of course. Fiona and I got lots of gift cards for different stores at the mall, and Lukas got a drone, which he freaked out over. He probably didn't regret getting up early this morning.

I also got some fuzzy socks, new earrings, some fairy lights for my bed, which I've been wanting for awhile. And best of all, my very own Polaroid camera.

I screeched when I unwrapped it, and went straight to taking photos. I got some of everyone in the family, even the family cat. 

Later that morning, we ate cinnamon rolls and had warm hot chocolate. It all sounds great, and it was. But my day was wrecked when I saw this email later that morning.

From: Mom <katenewsonofficial67>

To: Aliana Haven <aliihavenn888>

Subject: Lunch

Hello, dear.

I know it's been a long time since we've talked, but I would like to get together with you on Christmas day at the Terra Lake Italian Restaurant to catch up a bit. I also would like to ask you about something.

Please reply.

- Mom

I closed my laptop slowly, totally shocked. I took a shaky breath and set my laptop on my bed beside me. 

My mom hadn't ever contacted me after she left on the cruise. She didn't call, or text, or even email once in awhile, so seeing an email was shocking, and frightening. And honestly, seeing my mom again after six years kind of scared me.

Did I want to go? Did I want to face my mother again after 6 years of not seeing her at all? In all honesty, I didn't really. Having a mother-free life, or rather having Mrs. Reams as my mom, was my "normal" now, and seeing my bio mom again would change everything. Reality would no longer be reality.

It would change everything. Eve-ry-thing. I fell back onto my bad and covered my eyes my with arm. 

After minutes of sitting there quietly, I decided on one thing: I was going to face my mother after 6 years of seeing nothing of her.


"Are you sure you want to do this, Aliana?"Mrs. Reams asked me at the front door. I was standing there in my coat and boots, all ready to go and get this over with. But of course, Mrs. Reams had to stop me in my tracks.

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied. After an hour of preparing for what was yet to come, I was totally ready. Yep. Totally.

"Well, okay. If you say so." She gave me a big hug before ushering my out the door. I went down the driveway and to my car, mentally preparing myself for what could, or could not happen.

Once I got to the restaurant, I got out and went inside. The lady at the front led me to the table where my mom was seated. I told the lady to let me stand a little farther away from the table. She understood, I think.

Mom looked exactly the same. Same curly raven-black hair, just like mine. Same hairstyle. Even the same clothes. I took a long, deep breath before walking up to the table. Mom looked up from her phone and took me in with her eyes.

"Aliana! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in so long. You look so beautiful and much more mature." She stood up and pulled me into a hug. I stayed stiff the whole time. It was weird hugging my mom again after all of those years. Her hugs still felt the same as always. Just as loving, and careful.

"Hi, Mom," I greeted in reply. She smiled as she looked at my face. Her green eyes looked into my brown ones. And I realized, I had missed looking into her soft green eyes, eyes as green as emeralds.

"Please sit down," she said, gesturing to the seat across from her. I sat down without any words. She slid a menu over to me, I took it."So, how have you been?' she asked.

"How do you think?" I snapped accidentally. Her face flashed with regret, and I sunk into my seat a little. "Sorry."

"It's fine, dear. I understand. I wouldn't blame you if you were mad at me. I just got up and left, didn't I?" She looked down at the menu, sadness and regret filling her facial expression, and this kind of felt like deja vu from the other day with my dad.

"But, why didn't you give Dad any warning? You never told him that you were done with the relationship. He didn't know, and you just got up and left. Then married a guy on a freaking cruise." I slumped in my seat and crossed my arms. It made me angry, thinking about what my mom had done.

"I know, Ali. It was wrong. But Alejandro is a great guy. You'd love him," she said. I lifted my head up to look at her. Was she actually raving about her new husband while I was here grieving her and Dad's marriage? I stared at her, not saying anything.

"Too soon?" she asked uneasily. I nodded. Yes. Too soon. Did she actually think I'd want to hear about how great her husband is? Really?

"Please tell me why you did it," I pleaded with her calmly, my tone even.

She sighed. "I did it because I was too chicken to tell your dad that I didn't want to be married to him. For some reason, I though it would be best to just leave, let him down easy. And then I met Alejandro-" I cringed at his name. "-and he proposed on the cruise, and I decided it was the best thing for me. I don't regret doing that to your dad, but I regret doing it to you, Ali. I always loved you, sweetie."

I put out a hand. "Whoa, hold on. So you didn't care about Dad at all?"

She hesitated. "Well, no. I cared for him, but I just...cared for you more." I officially hated her.

I breathed out loudly. "Mom! What the hell? What is your problem?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I really don't know." I wanted to leave. Right that second. 

"What did you want to ask me?" I asked bitterly. I wanted this all to be over and done with, but she wanted to ask me something, and I would stay to hear it.

"Well, I wanted to ask you..well, you probably won't say yes." She stopped and sighed heavily.

"Just ask, Mom."

"I wanted to ask you if I could be back in your life."

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