Chapter Twenty-One: Goodnight, Alibear

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Aliana's POV

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Aliana's POV

I drained my tea and sat down the cup. It was one of the best teas I had ever tasted. I glanced at the clock on the wall. 6:02.

"Do you want to go on a walk with me?" Ashton asked. 

I debated. I had homework. And dinner was probably waiting. And not to mention that everyone was probably getting worried.

"Sure." It couldn't hurt. I sent a quick text to Mrs. Reams and turned my phone back off before standing to put on my coat. "Where will we walk?"

"Maybe around Terra Lake?" he suggested. I honestly loved walking around Terra Lake. Terra Lake was the center of our town and it was the most beautiful lake I have seen in my life. It was on the smaller side, but it was the perfect walk-spot in my opinion.

"Great!" Ashton stood up and put on his own coat. We both grabbed our phones and started towards the door. 

I followed him out the door. The cold wind blew in my face and I shivered even though I had on a coat and hat. Maybe I should've grabbed a scarf. 

Ashton started walking down the sidewalk and I walked fast to catch up with him. He smiled at me as I fell into step with him. My hands suddenly felt very cold and I grabbed my gloves from my pockets before slipping them on. 

Once I slipped on my right glove, Ashton grabbed my hand.

I actually loved how he did it so casually. How he couldn't just be walking beside me. He had to be walking beside me with our hands intertwined. 

I also just loved holding his hand. My right hand got warmer inside my glove and my whole body started to warm up from the contact.

We kept walking as we held hands towards Terra Lake. It didn't take us very long to get to the lake. There were some people already there, but it was mostly empty. We walked down a slight hill towards the moonlit path. 

"I'm sorry I got so jealous," Ashton said suddenly.

I looked at him. He was looking at me intently. "Why are you sorry?" I asked quietly.

"Because, I don't know. I've never been this way with a girl. I got angry and I hate getting angry. I just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything wrong or hurt you in any way, because I would never hurt you. And if I ever did, I would never forgive myself."

I took in his words one by one. He really cared about me and it was obvious. I was very touched by all of this. Touched by the fact that he cared so much. 

But, my mind wandered to his girlfriend, Abbie. How did I even forget that he had a girlfriend? It seemed like he didn't remember either.

I had to keep this at a friendly level, not going over the edge of friendship.

But Ashton was so different from the others boys I've had experience with. He cared so much about other people. He put everyone else before himself. And he cared so much about me, and it made my heart flutter.

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