Jimin(Why?) Pt. 2

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[Requested part 2 by @ParkJimin629]

-The main admin of this account wrote part one, so I'll try to fit her style as much as possible, hope you like it!!! ^^;... This story's also pretty gruesome, so just be prepared...

- BM or @beachymin


In the span of 2 seconds, Jimin lost everything he took for granted.

So cliche, isn't it? Karma can be such a bitch.

So that's why Jimin changed.

He took control of his life the right way, investigating the people that killed Y/n himself, while the corrupted police force focused on donuts.

He was driven by rage, by hate. Not just on the people that murdered Y/n, but at himself. If he hadn't been such a thirsty shit and love Y/n like a husband should, his wife and baby would still be alive.

At first, he did love her, but something happened. Y/n hung out away from him with guys he despised. He was to blind to see why she did that though, it was because he was never around. He was always at practice or working, never at home. It gets lonely being by yourself after a while, and now that Y/n is gone, Jimin got a full serving of the loneliness she felt. Oh, he hated himself so much.

But he was sure of one thing:

He'd rip those 3 shits to pieces for killing her, then... then...

He'd rip himself apart.

He had been contemplating suicide for a while now, but he held off on it because he was hell-bent on finding Y/n's killers.

He hoped that when he did die, he could see his wife and child again and hopefully repent of his sin.

Oh, wtf was he talking about?! He's probably going to hell, and he had no doubt in his heart that Y/n was in heaven, so maybe that would be his grand punishment, never seeing his wife and child again.

He sighed in distress as he closed his laptop. He had found some information on the 3 men, but not enough information to confront them, which honestly sucked in his opinion, but he knew one day those men would be put in jail, even if it's the last thing he did.

Y/n loved him until the end, so he will fight for her till the end.

And that was that.


In a sense, Jimin had a basic idea of what a miscarriage felt like to a woman. Every time he went out, there would always be children around that made him feel like shit. That could've been his son/daughter if he hadn't been such a jealous dumbass.

The gun in its holster felt heavy in his jacket as he walked to the old abandoned warehouse that was the whereabouts of the 3 men and some others.

He'd been at the location for a couple of days and got it confirmed by them unknowingly saying this "is OUR home!".

The old creaked door was what Jimin lightly leaned against as he grabbed a hold of his gun.

This is it, he whispered to himself, this is it for you, Y/n. He looked up to the blackened sky before turning his attention back to the inside of the warehouse and shooting his first target.

The man dropped to the floor as the others jumped in its wake.

The immediately ran over to the one who had been shot as Jimin laughed softly.

This is going to be fun.

Jimin's maniac smile widened whilst looking at the two he shot next.

The last 3 were the 3 he had been searching for these past few months. The goddamned 3 that murdered his wife and child. It was then he revealed himself, the gun pointing directly in front of him, leading the way.

The 3 men trembled as they recognized him. Good, he thought, be afraid like Y/n was you damn shits.

He shot the third one first: the bystander on the scene.

As he stepped over he said, "That's for keeping your fat ass mouth closed at the wrong time."

He shot the second one next: the one who shot his wife in the heart, "That's for taking away my happiness."

He was in tears when he got to the third and final man: the one who shot his baby.

The man trembled as Jimin shot him once. Twice. Thrice.

As many tears as Y/n shed is how much he'd shot the man.

And at the last shot, the corrupted police came from behind and knocked him out.

I'm coming, my love.


He woke up in a jail cell, his wrist chained to the wall by shackles.

Fuck, he cursed, why am I not dead?

He fought like hell to detach himself from the chains, but they were too strong. He didn't even know why he was trying.

He turned to punch the wall when a silver thing fell out of his pocket and onto the floor. Curiously, he picked it up.

It was a metal file. He tore his eyes from the file to look around. Not one soul around.

So instead of the shackles, he sawed through the skin on his wrist until he could've sworn he saw Y/n.


Because I love you.


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