Jungkook {I can do it, too}

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(y/m/e): your mortal enemy


You didn't think of your self as an obsessive girlfriend. You just really really loved Jungkook, your boyfriend. He said you were his, so that makes him yours, right? I mean, it makes perfect sense, don't you think? So, in that case, everything in your life was great.

But to every yin, there is a yang.

Today was supposed to be a good day. You had set up a romantic date and planned everything out, all he had to do was show up. But as hours past, you became confused. You had specified with him the exact time and that it was at your guys' apartment, and he said he'd be there, but why was he not?

Your phone pinged.


Jungkookie: hey, sorry I'm late with this text, but the guys and I had extra practice to take care of, I'll be back in a few more hours... love you bye

Read 10:56 pm

You: uh ok babe, see you love you too!

Delivered 10:57


It was now 1:34 am and he still hasn't come home, in fact, he still hadn't even read the message you sent! You were quite angry with him. If he wasn't going to pick up, you would call the members yourself!

You dialed up Yoongi since he was like your big brother.

"Hello," his gruff voice sounded.

"Yoongi oppa? Why do you sound sleepy? Shouldn't you be a bit energized since you have extra practice?" It was true after all.

"Huh?! Extra practice? When and... wae???" Tears stung your eyes. 

"J-Jungkook told me y-you guys had extra p-practice, that's why he was coming home late."

Yoongi went silent for a moment before he growled, "I'll get the little shit for cheating on yo-"

"No, oppa don't, I'm going to deal with this myself," you wiped the tears from your eyes as you hung up.

If he can do it, I can do it, too.


It'd been 3 and a half months since you found out Jungkook was cheating on you, and although you were broken, you planned revenge.

At your workplace, an impossibly handsome co-worker by the name of Shin Hoseok had a crush on you, and you knew it. So the next day, you went to work and gave him shy touches and glances. By the end of the week, he got the idea that you also "liked" him and asked you out. Learning that your plan had worked, you accepted happily.

Back to the present, for once, Jungkook was home before 2 am. You were usually home from work at 2 pm since you work the early shift, but today you were the one to come home at 2 am and Kookie was sitting on the couch, angrily watching TV.

His eyes immediately flicked to you as he heard your heels stomp toward the shoe rack past the living room.

"Where were you?" his low voice called out. Oh, he was definitely angry.

You turned to him and narrowed your eyes, "What do you mean? I was just 'out'."

He sprang from the couch, "Where. Were. You?"

You scoffed and turned away, "I went to a restaurant for some peace of mind."

"For 12 hours?" He was very enraged and you noticed it. You wiped the smirk off your face as you faced him again.

"YES! I can do anything I want! You don't own me!" You walked up to him and yelled that last line in his face.

That gave him the opportunity to grab your arm and snap back, "I'm your boyfriend, so you better be damn well aware that I have a say in your life and I'll prove it!" He swiped the blouse from your left shoulder to give it a mark only to find he was beaten to it. The shock and rage on his face was a priceless sight. You had to hide you smirk. That mark was given to you by Shin Hoseok himself, and trust me when I say a wild night happened after.

He looked up to you and you swore you saw red in his eyes. You angrily furrowed your brows and tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip and you cried out in pain.

"Who did that?" he hissed. You refused to reply as you looked him dead in the eye, and he yelled the same question once again, "WHO DID THAT?!"

"My boyfriend!" you yelled back defiantly. His grip on you dropped and his mouth was agape.

"What," he said almost inaudibly. "But I thought I was your boyfriend?"

"Try ex-boyfriend Jeon Jeongguk," he flinched as you hissed his full name. "Ever since I found out you were cheating on me with (y/m/e), I also decided to cheat on you, because, I mean, if you can do it, then I can do it, too. Goodbye, Jungkook."

You put back on your shoes in record speed and went straight back to Hoseok's house.

As you walked to his house, you hoped that someday Jungkook would realize his mistake and find his peace, because after all, you still had few feelings for him and a small part of you still wanted to wish him well, so you did.

Moving on to the concept of Hoseok... you really did love him. When he and you originally started dating, you were only planning to use him, but he slowly found a way to patch up your broken heart and make you love again. You truly loved him, and the malicious part of you laughed at the idea of inviting Jungkook to your's and Hoseok's wedding.


Jungkook still couldn't form words even after Y/n was out of his sight. He was utterly astonished.

She knew, he thought, she knew and didn't tell me?!

He slammed his fist into the glass coffee table, shattering it.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, Jungkook," There were his words.

He cried as he stared at his bloody hand and slid to the floor, rocking himself.

I'm such a fool, he moaned sadly over and over.

I'm so so sorry Y/n. Please forgive me.


If I can find love again, so can you.

If I can move on, you can too.

If I can do it, you can do it, too.


Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy you thought I was dead~

Haha- nope

I'M BACK!!!!!!

I wrote this chapter also in congratulations for getting this book to 40k reads and 1k votes *claps loudly and proudly like a mom* :')

This is unedited so beware...

Also, Shin Hoseok is Wonho from Monsta X's real name :)

Love, Eomma BM 

(/'3')/ <3<3<3

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