2. Meet Miss Ishika Dhawaan

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Ishika pov

I am Ishika Dhawaan, only child of my parents. I love to explore things. My world is little. It consists of my parents, friends. The only places I see or know is my home and school.

I had my schooling at my native place. After that I've joined in a college. It is a kindergarten where children are forced to study but here the young adults are forced. I not so good at studies but some how managed to crack the entrance exam.

Sorry, I forgot to tell about my best friend Triveni (Trivs). She is my best friend right from my schooling but we are apart as she chose another field. Not a problem I believe that distance makes a relation stronger. In our case it's completely true.

It's my first day of college. My mom and papa left early this morning. I know how first day of college is going to be. I don't say I am bold girl but I am dare enough to deal with all this stuff.

I wore a pink colour salwar with matching dupatta and accessories. I am instructed to wear a salwar by my mom. We South Indians believe that salwar is official wear.

I am walking inside but my heart is beating with fast seeing the crowds of people gathered on the way to college.

I joined with girls who are walking with same fear.

"Hey girls... come here" a loud voice came rang in my ears.

I didn't turn around but stupid as if a statue in my place. All the girls beside me are walking towards them and I am the last one to join them.

"What are your names" he demanded. I didn't raise my head but raised my lids to see the man who is having such a melodious voice.

Heyy....come on Ishu you should be bold... with this thought I raised my head.

All the girls with me are telling their names.

"Heyy you pink colour duppata what's your name" A man asked with a dangerous tone. I jumped in my place. It has been 2 long years since I encountered opposite gender. His voice alone is making my as statue.

I can sense some eyes on me and turned to see him but got captured in his chocolaty brown eyes which is dragging me away from this world.

"Hello miss..." he said clapping before my face.

"IamIshikaDhawaan" I said in one attempt.

"Do you think I am having extra ability to understand your one long sentence" he said and everyone laughed.

I am Ishika Dhawaan" I said again controlling my anger.

Why are you shouting? Don't you know how to talk with seniors" He shouted back again.

I saw the man who is seeing me from a long time.

I am Anish Kapoor" Finally he came infront of me extending his hand. I immediately shook my hand into his with a smile.

Anny..." A girl voice came from behind.

It's the way to wish seniors. It seems simple right" He said raising his brows giving me a breath taking smile and went back to his position.

The girl beside Handsome Senior glared at me.

I think she is his girlfriend... Later our senior batch let us go as they are had classes.

I am searching for my class but I collided with a hard chest. I saw him with scared thinking he is senior.

I am sorry" I said

You should not be sorry. I am in haste in searching my class" he said.

Which class you belong to?" I asked gaining some courage.

I am an electronics student" he said.

Even I belong to the same. Let's find together" I said and we moved from there in search of our class.

I am Vishwa from Delhi" He said.

I am Ishika. You can call me Ishu" I said shaking his hand.

The lecture hall is already filled and we both are left with a corner place.

The lecture has stared. We both became friends with Anvitha and Sameer.

All the while during lecture we are exchanging our names. We came out and walked out of the class.

I am in my room which is at a walkable distance from the college. It's small which can fit two beds. I still don't know who is my roommate but me and Anvi decided to share our room.

We both talked with the incharge and all set. We both quickly settled her things as she shifted from her previous room.

The sleep is far away..I am badly missing my mom and dad. I stayed in hostel previously but now it's totally different.

I am an early riser. I have a habit of jogging early in the morning which I incorporated after my +2 exams.

It's 5 am. All the hostel is in dead silence as all are in their deep slumber.

I walked out as I thought I can jog up to my college. I kept my earphones and stared to jog.

I jogged in my college ground for sometime and returned around 7 am.

I opened my room door expecting Anvi would have already woke up but she is still sleeping.

It's almost 8 am when I got ready. Then I woke her up as we are having morning lecture today.

Both Vishwa and Sameer has became roommates like us and we four stared for our college.

Throughout the class we were murmuring and I didn't pay attention even when I know that the Professor has found us talking. At the end he asked four of us  to submit notes about todays class with in an hour and he even asked not to take help from any of our class mates.

We four stood in shock and I was totally taken aback.

We four came out of the class with sad faces. We went to library. Again these 3 people stared to talk, teasing each other or commenting about remaining our classmates.

Guys let's divide and work" I said as we don't have much time.

I walked towards a corner bench even without seeing who is there.

I stared to turn pages and then felt someone's presence. I turned to see to be caught again with the chocolaty brown eyes.

Studying right from second day of your college" he said sarcastically.

No it's not like that" I said and continued my work.

Anyway what are you doing?"

I have to submit notes with an hour" I said.

May I help you" He asked politely and I nodded my head.

Hai guys..

How is the start?

You will find interesting chapters later..stay with me...

Till nxt update byee guyss.

Happy reading😍😍

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