53. Under the same roof

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Anish pov

Today is the first day to office after a long vacation. Every has changed in these months. Ishu is doing very things which I hate from the day we fought. She is wearing short dresses, talking with sameer I mean extra friendly with him especially with him which I hate and top of everything she has went to trip and you know the pics are really hot like I can describe like she is running and sameer is after her..Such an epic pic to store and cherish for years.

I am in a hurry and collide with someone  and suddenly my reflexes got alerted, blood rushed in to all my nerves in extra speed, my heartbeat increased twice..that is the effect of my girl on me but when I came to traces after seeing her face I immediately left the hold and went away.

Hell with her I am angry at her and I she should know how it feels when we are ignored by our loved ones.

I walked in and saw a gathering and joined them after a minute or later I sensed her presence but didn't bulged.

Let me irritate her at least that's the way she will talk with me with this thought I started checking all the girls and man one girl winked at me and I waved at her.

I turned to see her and man you should see her face..Haha.

We are asked to assemble in a hall and I am last one to enter as I was

We are asked to assemble in a hall and I am last one to enter as I was dragged back becoz of that beautiful lady.

I stepped inside with her talking general stuff.I am crossing Ishu and then she gragged a chair asking me to sit beside her. Haha but me walked passed her and sat with her.

I talked with some guys but this girl is not leaving me and introduced me to her friends. After a few lecture we are free for today at least it's useful as we have to search place to stay.

I should go and pick my luggage and start search for my shelter. I didn't find Ishu after that any ways I don't want to irritate her any more becoz for this day the limit has exceeded.

I contacted the middle man and he asked me to meet and now I am waiting for him. This man is not having any punctuality.

I saw Ishu coming towards me why she is after me any way I don't care.

" Are you Anish kapoor?" He asked me I nodded but I am watching her asking what she is doing here.

" Sir you both can share the flat if you both don't have any problem" he asked us.

What should I tell now?

If I tell don't want she will be sharing flat with some other which I don;t want. Sharing flat with unknown in an unknown city like pune is not at all safe and I don't want her to do at least she is my love.

" I am ok if she is comfortable" I said.

" I am ok with it" She said and we visited couple of flats but nothing felt good

" I liked it" I said.

" I too liked it" She said.

After a while he left and we both are left alone. If life didn't put us in this situation this would have been different but now it's only difficult as I have to stay away from her.

" I want this bed room" we both said at a time pointing opposite rooms.

" You don't need to worry becoz our opinions never match with each other" I said

" Don't made over assumptions in your brain I agreed becoz you will agree to stay with any one and I don't want that" I said

" Mind your words I agreed becoz I it's you and be in your limits" She said and dragged her luggage.

" Wait a while I need to talk" I said

" I don't want to hear any apologies from you"

" Apology and that too from me..I haven't done any wrong to apologize and it's you who made us to stand in this situation today"

"Really just question your heart Mr. Anish?" she said

"What ever let me clear ...we should be clear in few things becoz I don't want my past to effect me any more..I will not interfere in your life and you shouldn't..Kitchen should be shared you cook your's and I will mine...And top of that don't try to spell any one that I am your boy friend sorry ex-boy friend in office" I said and rushed to my room and banged the door with even listen to her.

This is going to be really tough. Why god always throws us to gather again and again even after knowing we both can't fit in a box called relation ship. The world is really small..

I freshen up and came out and sat in hall surfing net but she is not coming out any ways I don't want care...

I don't know when I slept but it's already past 9 at night. I checked around and saw Ishika eating soundly. I know she is seeing me but ignoring how ever I don't care and went inside my room and went out to buy something to eat.

Ishika Pov 

The trip nice just nice how it be amazing and nice when I literally miss Anny...yes I miss but I am strong enough not to admit it. 

Through out the trip Sameer is at my back but I made him clear that I am not interested in what he is thinking and will never give him any chance. I am little worried for his reaction but he just smiled I am wondered to see his nature if it's Anny he would have just went away and avoided me for the rest of his life.

Like every time this time also I would go and talk with him but NO I want him to take a move first.

It have been four months we talked at first. There are no nights I didn't cry but with time my tears drained. 

After I came back from trip my parents didn't want me again to move to another place but I convinced my parents it's really so hard and tough to make my father say ok but I did only to give Anny another chance at least this time will make us together again.

I intentionally dashed him at least my touch could make his stupid brain to work and heart to sense my love. 

Such a bratt he is..He is flirting with some random girl sorry it's her how started to do first but Anish is giving all the bad signals to her. 

I contacted some man to show the house but see where the destiny took us to the same flat actually we are under the roof if we are not in this situation and madly in love then I will never agree to be like this becoz I know how many stupid ideas will raise in his head but now he will not becoz he is not even interested to see my face then where the idea comes that he will take an advantage on me.

The words he spell when we came here if it's not Anny I would have killed him what he is thinking about himself? 

Actually hell with him..After what he said tears stared forming in my eyes and I jumped in to the bed and i don't know how much time I slept.

These days are really making going to be hard...

To be continued...........

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