10. Exams😏😏

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Ishika pov

Ohh my god!!!

Today is the last exam. All the semester I have been enjoying and now I  am struck with loads of syllabus.

After freshers day I hardly met Anish. To say I even left my workout to avoid him as it is the only place where we both met. Iust want to avoid him and concentrate on my studies.

To my surprise he never asked me about all this and just smiled at me whenever we encounter. This exams are not easy but I wanted to do them well.

After my exam I will go to my hometown and rest there for a while till all my homesick goes way and I'll enjoy with my family.

I came out of my class room. I already packed my luggage, so that I didn't need to worry much. I saw Advi is in hasty to leave. She is struggling to pack her luggage and I smiled at her state.

I told her many times to pack her things but she ignored me and now she is facing the consequences.

Sameer and Vishu are also leaving for their home towns. We four have became like a family.

We share even minute details. Sameer cares for everyone but Advi always says that he cares for me more which I ignored always. There is no time for me to love someone.

I helped my friend in packing as I can't see her struggling😁😁.

We both came out holding heavy luggage. I took my phone to inform my dad about my arrival. But my phone rang and it's from my dad.

" Dad.." I said with the happiest tone as I am going to my home.

" Ishu have you started" my dad asked in a hurry.

" Yaa dad... Why are you worried?"

" Ishu here the situation is worst. There is a alert due to some political disorder"

" So..What shall I do now?"

" Baby you stay in hostel for few more days. You can come when the situation is settled" Dad said making me worried.

I told Advi about my situation and dropped her at the station and returned to the college.

Ohh my god how can I be alone in hostel... Sameer and Rishi are also not there😣😣.

I lost in my thoughts without even realising that I reached my hostel.

I kept all my luggage out of the auto and thinking how can I take all this to room again. To make me cry more all my friends are seeing me with a question mark on their faces and some are giving me apologetic look which is making me more sad:(

"Do you need any help?" and I turned back to see my saviour.

How can he come to help me when ever I am struck and really in need of help:( ?

" Please I can't take this huge luggage inside" I said with a cute tone so that he will definitely help me.

" You don't need to plead me Ishu. I am always there for you" he said and took my bag and started to walk away.

Where he is walking? I mean he is not allowed to girls hostel.

" Anish wait" I shouted picking up my other bag.

" Don't shout everyone are looking at us" he said and then I observed my surroundings and came to realise that all are watching us with wide eyes.

" I am sorry" I whispered to him as I reached to his side.

"It's ok... but tell me why are you shouting?" He asked me 

" You are not allowed to women's hostel" I said to me.

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