4. Brandon; Sleeping with Mason was easy...

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My high had came crashing down almost in a instant realising I was wrong thinking Mason didn't care about any aspect of my life. His my best mate and I may feel slightly different around him than the others about things, girls especially but that didn't mean he felt differently too. He probably felt a bit hurt hearing I had a new kind of girlfriend that I hadn't even mentioned to him. On my defence she only personal messaged me on Instagram five days ago and non of the guys knew about her yet.

I felt weird laying on his lap so long. It was completely innocent at first but now I bet his thinking what the hell. Plus I wrecked his favourite jumper, he was mad, I knew it because he never swears unlike me he saves it when his really annoyed or hurt about something. I had to make sure it came out so I forced it off him almost going straight down the stairs to put it in the washing machine, some task for me because I hated chores. I knew how to at least so it wouldn't be damaged any more than I'd already done.

Jogging back up the stairs I imagined he would be helping himself to my clothes like he normally does but instead the sight of him flat out eyes closed staring up at the ceiling stopped me dead in my tracks, his shirtless body in my bed. It had happened many times before, we even sleep topless in the summer but that was months ago now and I'd started feeling differently about him since then. It got cold here at night, I was warm blooded and got hot even in the winter when I slept, he was more normal though always feeling cold. I went into my chest of drawers looking over my t-shirts until I found the one I was thinking about. When I turned back to him he was awake watching me.

"Top." I said simply taking it over to him. He sat up and pulled it on looking groggy. I'd only been downstairs ten minutes so he must of meant it that he was exhausted. I went and turned off the bedroom light then shut my curtains ready to get some sleep the film we were watching had also finished at some point.

"I heard you in the shower singing that song again." He mumbled roughly into the darkness of the room. I tensed hating that he had. Embarrassed I didn't say a word getting into the sheets for the first time tonight. "You know your favourite." He was teasing me.

"Alright." I dragged shyly pushing into him as I rolled in the bed to face him. He did the same. I could barely make out how close he was in the dark but as my eyes adjusted I was able to see the outline of his smile just about making out he was close enough for the comfort of two straight guys.

"If I tell you mine would you sing it?" He asked already knowing my answer would be no. I doubt he could see me in this light either but when I shook my head no he continued. "How about I tell it you anyway in case you ever feel like it?" I already knew his favourite song. It was hold me while you wait. God knows why his some cheesy bugger and there was not a chance in hell he would hear me sing that. It was too slow and sad, I'd need an amazing voice for it to sound half decent and I didn't want to embarrass myself more than I had to.

I hadn't realised it had gone quiet this conversation being one sided as I hadn't spoke in some time. He didn't seem to mind though telling me his favourite song anyway. "It's that one by Lauv. I like me better." That was new to me. I sat up to get a better look at him not that it made any difference because it was still pitch black.

"Since when? You always say you like that Lewis whatever his name is."

"I did, do, but I listen to this one more recently." He spoke into the dark room. I lay back down looking up at the ceiling feeling tired myself now. I made a mental note to listen to this new favourite of his the first chance I get, probably in the car on the way to work tomorrow... It went quiet between us, he was a silent sleeper so I wasn't sure if he was laying looking into the darkness like me still or was asleep. I could hear him breathing...

Sleeping with Mason was easy. I relaxed more when he was here next to me my body completely able to shut down without worry. I closed my eyes focusing on how close was to me, how at ease he made me feel and just like that I was asleep, passed out in another world.

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