23. Mason; making up to do

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*smut warning*

I watched as his car pulled in next to mine only minutes after I had giving me something to smile about making me think he must of left shortly after I had. He hadn’t spotted me on the door step instead he was stroking a hand down the side of my beat up old fiesta then looking for his house keys. I’d checked him out on more than one occasion already tonight but I hadn’t found the time to stare at him like I normally would to take in how amazing he looked. I loved this rugged careless side of him it making a change to his usual work suits or comfy clothes I’m so used to seeing him wear. I stood up when his eyes finally settled on me a smile pulling at his mouth.

“Sorry I forgot you have no keys.” He mumbled as he stood by me to unlock the house his voice so normal as if nothing had ever happened between us and we were still the same best friends standing here as we were weeks ago. I didn’t say anything letting him open the door and get inside as soon as it was shut however he turned into a completely different person grabbing a hold of me he threw me against the door his mouth clashing on mine urgently as his hands found mine forcing them up the door over my head. I moaned into the kiss loving how forward he was seeming to know now exactly what he wanted from me. He broke the kiss only to move them to my neck for a second I seen stars consumed by what he was doing to me.

Remembering the girl who had been all over him tonight I growled in jealousy spinning us so he was up the wall not wasting a second before my mouth was on his sweet spot on his neck stopping his small laugh it turning into a moan his throat vibrating against my tongue that was swirling wet hot patterns into his neck as I bit down on it. I ran my hands all over his chest where hers had been sucking his neck harder earning his body to rise up trying to find mine. Angrily I slammed his hips away into the wall, once satisfied he would have a dark enough mark on his neck I pulled away to check out my work impressed even myself at how black it already was.

I wasn’t touching him anymore as again she was on my mind and I knew that doing anything to him while he was with her wouldn’t be right even if this morning I swore I wouldn’t even think about her anymore. Once he had caught his breath he was back to me holding my face as he licked my lower lip asking me to pay him some more attention. Again I remembered my words, it was all on him what happened between us making me push aside how wrong this was I pulled him towards the sofa in the living room him being easy to persuade. Once there he pushed me down onto it his body soon following as he lay onto me holding his weight over me never even breaking the kiss.

His hands were inside my shirt groping my chest our relationship having gone from a sneaky kiss to masturbating together to full on about to fuck the way he was acting in only two days. He pulled back to find my buttons quickly undoing them as I slipped my hands up his thighs which were straddling me now. “Are you going to apologise to me now?” I teased feeling completely comfortable with him pretty sure by now that this wouldn’t change us tomorrow. He brought his mouth back down to mine this kiss much slower and meaningful now as I felt him undo my last button and drag open my shirt his hands running all over me.

“Definitely.” He answered as he hovered over my lips dragging them across my cheek then to my neck kissing down it and across my shoulders, removing himself from my body to the floor I missed the contact but quickly I forgot about it as his kisses travelled lower over my chest before a long lick ran over my nipple making me moan as I reached down and grabbed my own dick quickly my hand being batted away. “You have me now.” He whispered against my skin covering me in goose bumps as again I moaned. He moved over to my other nipple lightly pinching it between his teeth making me gasp it turning into another straight after as his hands unbuttoned my jeans his hands brushing against my boner as he did. He moved his lips downwards covering my body in wet kisses my eyes rolling back as he reached my waistband then stopped before going where I needed him most. His hands hooked my jeans and began tugging on them to get them off, I arched my hips to help him but he laughed seeing I was still wearing shoes making getting my jeans off harder. I reached down helping him needing it quicker than he could do it, I pulled off my shoes dropping them somewhere then kicked my jeans off finding his mouth one last time before leaving it so I could lie back down now in just my white boxers and open shirt.

His hand groped down my chest continuing on until it got to my boxers not stopping when he got there, cupping me through them making me moan. He once again brought his lips to my stomach kissing it as he wiggled my boxers down my dick being very close to his face. He looked up into my eyes as he licked even lower driving me crazy as I imagined that tongue licking my cock instead. “I’m sorry about tonight.” He whispered his apology which quite honestly I couldn’t give a crap about in this moment. I gasped louder than before when his hand wrapped around me finally. I grabbed his chin dragging him up to my mouth kissing him hard to stop my moans I so badly needed to let out them being muffled into him. I moved my hand up his back and into his hair tugging on it to pull his head back to give me access to his neck again not knowing until I did it just how much he would enjoy the roughness of it his moan louder than mine. I bit his neck again right at the front near his Adam’s apple doing it hard as his hand continued pumping me leaving another mark on his neck.

“Mine.” I demanded before going back to his neck but licking down it this time over his Adams apple which vibrated in agreement. I came across his collar bone and again bit down tugging at the skin to mark him again it turning me on more when he didn’t even try to stop me deep down he loved the idea of his girlfriend seeing these and knowing I owned him.

After that one he pulled away smiling but stopping me from doing anymore on him. He moved to hover over my cock again still on his knees on the floor beside me. He spat a long spit bomb down onto my erection as his hand continued to jerk me stroking it in making me groan his name. “That good?” He asked his voice so deep filled with lust.

“Amazing.” I groaned with a little laugh as he continued to watch his hand move on me. He was licking his lips and again I thought about him lowering down and taking my length into his throat gagging on me. I wouldn’t ask that of him though it would be too much when he only discovered this week he even likes guys. “That would make you gag huh?” I decided on just letting him know I was thinking about it.

He laughed shyly nodding as he continued to stare at it. I sat up a little so I could reach him running my hands down his chest to his jeans squeezing his boner which was so tight in his trousers. I moaned falling backwards close to cumming myself. “Kiss me.” I begged even if I didn’t need to him moving again so he could easily snog me his tongue dipping straight into my mouth twirling around with mine wetly. Again I reached down being able to grab his dick now without craning. I stroked it through his trousers a couple of times feeling about to explode. I broke the kiss to warn him. “Brandon I’m gonna-" He cut my off with his tongue again in my mouth his spare hand exploring my chest stopping to roughly squeeze my nipple sending me over the edge. I blew all over my own chest some of it on his hand that was still playing with my nipple some on his other hand that was now gently stroking me. I’d practically screamed into his mouth as I cum it feeling more than amazing making me see stars.

I was still playing with him through his jeans and once I regained movement I rolled to try and get into them finding the button about to undo them when his not so messy hand grabbed me to stop me. I frowned confused but he was smiling at me looking embarrassed. “I cum already.” He beamed with shyness making me realise what effect I really did have over him. I smiled back moving my hands to his chest instead satisfied.

“Bagsy the shower first.” I laughed knowing we would both need one.

“Only this once.” He agreed falling onto his ass he sat with his back to me tipping his head back to rest on my shoulder as I draped my arm around his holding him.

“I need a minute first.” I announced still catching my breath. “To recover.” I smirked rubbing his chest totally on cloud nine. After what felt like just a short while, actually more like twenty minutes I used my shirt that was still hanging off my shoulders to wipe the cum off me that hadn’t already began drying so I could sit up. “You know in theory we don’t have to fight over the bathroom anymore.” I thought out loud as I stood and pulled my boxers that been hanging around my knees up to cover myself.

“Suppose so but I don’t really wanna share, not yet.” He explained and I understood. “Did you get any on the sofa?” He asked spinning rather quickly to look making me laugh.

“We have until Monday to find it don’t we?” I laughed not even sure myself.

“No his back tomorrow sometime.” He reminded me making me groan that we’d no longer get this place to ourselves to do things like what just happened.

“Better get looking then while I shower.” I tease making him fake laugh as I went off upstairs feeling really dirty.

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