45. Brandon; fashion show

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Christmas morning seemed to fly by even though I’d gotten up at seven finding my Dad already in the kitchen humming Christmas songs as he cooked us some breakfast. We ate pancakes then opened gifts which didn’t take too long as it was only really me and him. I got dressed after into some joggers and a hoodie zoning out in front of the Grinch again while my Dad worked on Christmas dinner. The first thing I’d done that morning was message Mason even if I knew I should of messaged Nora or my Mom first, Mason was the only one who had already messaged me.

We spoke a little before he told me he was doing presents disappearing for a couple hours as I finally messaged Nora. She took some time to reply but when she did she thanked me for her presents and I thanked her for mine which I’d opened this morning. She’d brought me a pair of black and white converse boots, more Mason’s taste than mine but I’d still wear them.

M. Helloooooo!

As I sat spread out on the sofa my phone that was sat on my stomach vibrated and I lit up seeing it was Mason.

B. Hey tdh hows ur day going?

M. Tdh?
Goin not 2 bad itching to
come urs!

B. Tall dark and handsome;) Yeah i can’t wait. Wanna give u ur pressie!

M. Same!!!

B. U know wht time?

M. No clue! Just after dinner.

B. Hows ur day wuu2?

M. Just watching grinch chilling u?

B. We already watched tht?

M. Who cares its Christmas :)

We text back and forth for a while before he excitedly told me he was going for dinner and a few minutes after my Dad called me to help him dish up. I finished mine still without a sound from Mason, I helped my Dad wash up and get everything away going back to crash on the sofa I waited hoping he would be around soon. Forty minutes later I heard ho ho ho making me flash from the sofa to the front door flinging my arms around him tightly as soon as he stepped into the room making him gasp at the force, it knocking the wind out of him. “Merry Christmas.” I shouted as I pulled back making him laugh and repeat me as he kicked his shoes off only now did I notice presents in his hands.

“Yours.” He told me handing over to me a small box that had another wrapped gift tied on top, a neat bow on it, definitely not something Mason wrapped. “From my Mom.” He whispered as I looked it over confused. I wondered over with him following still holding a present to the sofa. I muted the T.v. reaching to the side table I found the present for him from my Dad who was urging me from the kitchen doorway to give it to him. He politely smiled up to my Dad before he dug into the small box his mouth falling open as he saw what it was.

“You really shouldn’t of.” He looked between me and my Dad as he turned over the box in his hands that contained iPhone  airpods.

“Oh it’s whatever.” My Dad waved his hand as if it didn’t matter but Mason still went over throwing his arms around him giving him a tight hug and thanks before pulling away and giving him a card which my Dad thanked him for.

“Can I open mine now?” I asked playfully Mason laughed coming back and flopping on the sofa to watch me open it. The bottom box was a box of Malteses truffles Mason ohhing as he looked, I already knew he couldn’t wait to help me eat them. The other gift was a yankee candle that smelt like pizza... weird but I’d take it. I told Mason to thank his Mom for me and he nodded before handing me something that looked much more Mason. It was wrapped as if he had just crunched paper around it and covered it in tape and bows making me smile instantly not even needing anything more from him.

“Am I allowed to stay for presents?” My Dad asked still from the kitchen door. I looked to Mason for the answer obviously no idea what would be in this present, after all I did look at sex toys for him as a joke but I got too scared by the look of them and bailed not imagining Mason would be comfortable with a small cone up his ass and especially not the seven inch dildos they mostly sold on the site I was on. Mason was laughing an of course meaning whatever was in here wasn’t anything naughty or embarrassing. Hearing that I tore into the paper quickly coming across a black T-shirt, opening it up I saw the name over the front, Stale, a wider smile coming to my face that he remembered this guy was my actual favourite artist.

“You are awesome.” I told him throwing my arms around him across the sofa.

“Hang on. Card.” He pulled back handing me a small envelope. Again I dug into that too seeing he actually picked nice cards this year and not ridiculous ones probably thanks to me doing the shopping with him. I opened it up seeing something inside but ignoring it to read what he wrote.

To Brandon.
Merry Christmas douche. Love you loads dude. Wishing you a happy new year and here’s to many more x love Mason x

I grinned up at him knowing I probably looked dorky before I moved the paper that was inside it to see what it was, falling silent as I read it in shock gulping on air making Mason laugh. “You will come right?” He asked me and even though I was speechless I wasn’t stupid quickly nodding that I would. In my hands were tickets to a music festival for next year that I knew Stale was headlining at because I was literally obsessed with the guy. I’d mentioned it to Mason when I found out complaining that I wished I could of gone but had nobody to go with, knowing Mason wasn’t into him. I didn’t think he would of remembered from that long ago. Mason was laughing at my response the only thing I was able to do was again dive into his arms and hug him.

“How did you even?” I asked when I pulled back looking back to the tickets not believing it. He shrugged me off with a knowing grin that he’d done good.

“We are going to stay there too that night so we can stay late. I booked us a tenting space because it’s something different.” He told me the smiles on both our faces not slipping once.

“I am so excited.” I giggled looking over to my Dad to see him watching us smiling at our interactions. “You told me to hardly get you anything!” I span back to him voicing my annoyance glad though I hadn’t listened.

“I didn’t want to give it away.” He laughed. I grabbed a pile of presents I had stacked up under the tree for him his eyes going wide when he saw them. “You obviously didn’t listen.” He whispered as I sat them all in his lap.

He took his time opening them paying attention to everything he opened, levi jeans, nike T-shirt, new pair of Tommy joggers and a new PlayStation game that I prayed his Mom hadn’t already brought him. “Can we play this?” He asked holding it up after thanking me for it all and giving me a hug like I had him, my Dad leaving back for the kitchen.

“Yeah. But try the jeans on?” I asked. He stood up all the clothes under his arm smirking.

“I’ll give you a fashion show.” He teased.

“So in.” I stood grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the stairs. He had to run to keep up with me stumbling as I eagerly pulled him looking back our eyes met as we both laughed like school kids. Once into my room I didn’t even think about it closing the door behind him before diving on my bed laying facing him as he stood in the middle of my messy room looking uncomfortable under my perving eyes and he hadn’t even taken his clothes off yet. “Start with the jeans.” I ordered only it seemed to unravel his nerves setting the clothes on the bed quickly tugging the strings on his joggers to loosen them. I was staring a hell of a lot my body reacting to the sight of him as I didn’t even try hiding how much I was fascinated with his body.

Mason didn’t seem to care though as he yanked his trousers off standing in just a pair of black boxer shorts while he unfolded the Levi’s I brought him blocking my view as he unbuttoned them before slipping them on and fastening them around his waist.

“They fit good?” I asked trying not to sound as horny as he’d made me feel.

“I think so...” He trailed looking down over himself. Acting innocent I headed over to him hooking my finger into his waistband I gave it a tug to check they weren’t too tight.

“Perfect.” I whispered not sure if I meant the fit or him as my eyes fixed onto his stomach that was on show from him holding his jumper up out the way. I dragged my eyes up to his face swallowing hard when he was so close to me our eyes locking. “T-shirt next.” I informed him my hands bunching the bottom of his jumper pushing it up over his sides my hands stroking against his skin before I forced myself to stop when he took a hold of it himself. The jumper he wore came off as well as a top he had been wearing underneath them both being tossed onto the bed behind me not that I looked as I couldn’t move my eyes from him, biting my lip as he backed me towards the bed only to grab the top I’d brought him and pull it on.

“Suits you.” I breathed locked to his hands as he popped open the button on his jeans pushing them down over his ass.

“Joggers.” He nodded behind me making me turn to pass them to him. He tried those on too as I continued to stare before he tugged the label off the joggers meaning he was keeping them on.

“These are like heaven.” He hummed making me smile surprised when he tugged the t-shirt off over his head moving to find the one he just took off. “I like that one but this one more.” I frowned upset at first until I saw what he was wearing... my vintage looking stranger things top that I’d forgotten he had.

“I like that more too.” I agreed smiling over him us both being dragged apart when I heard my Dad call us dessert was ready. We headed off downstairs forgetting about PlayStation instead staying with my Dad to watch the Christmas film that was currently playing us both visibly gutted when Mason announced he had to go after looking at his phone.

“I’m coming tomorrow though if that’s okay?” He spoke as he stood up adjusting his t-shirt, well I suppose mine, that was hanging over his shoulder bone my eyes there before it was covered.

“Of course.” I smiled to him happily.

“See you tomorrow Mase have a good night.” My Dad waved him off with me as he headed to his car me urging that he drove safely.

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