68. Mason; Misunderstandings

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I didn’t really know where to go. I drove to the end of the street then stopped banging my head onto the steering wheel to think. I didn’t like the look of worry on Brandon. I hope his okay and when he finally speaks to me he feels he can trust me enough to tell me what happened.

It’s still kind of early so he might sort out whatever he had to before it gets late. If not I’m screwed and will have to think of somewhere to stay, no way was I giving in and going home. For now I needed somewhere I could be alone to think... Driving a little further down the road there was my favourite park. In the centre was a huge lake surrounded by woodlands and play area’s it having the cutest views to just sit at.

I stared at the birds on the water, the sun setting reflected around them it making me feel calm something I didn’t think was possible when a million and one questions raced in my head.
Today was amazing. I didn’t expect anything when it came to Brandon I think because I still feel like his just my best friend so seeing all the effort he went to and how perfect he planned everything took my breath away. Then our first time together... I couldn’t of asked for anything more. He was so gentle and sweet. I did love him and I felt the love returned.

I have no idea what’s going on with him and his Mom but why he hadn’t told me made me worry more. Maybe I should text him... Or is that being too much?

“Hey look who it is!” I glance up slightly nervous to see who it was here with me my heart racing more when I saw Bryson. I force him a smile muttering a hey not sure what else to say to him. “What are you doing here by yourself?” He asks with a grin taking a seat beside me on the bench.

“I just...” I’m not sure what exactly to say. “I’m just thinking really.”

“Yeah? Anything important? What’s wrong?” He scoots over closer to me so his shoulder rubs against mine. He doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable like I’d of thought he would. The last time I saw him I was literally dashing out of his place after we hooked up and that was the last time we spoke to. I thought ex’s are meant to be awkward? He just sounds concerned.

“It’s nothing.” I lie just because I didn’t feel like getting into it with him.

“Boy problems?” He asks and I nod. “Well whoever he is isn’t worth you getting upset over.”

“He is.” I can’t look at him my eyes still out on the water. “And he hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s just complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Oh I would try me. I’ve had so much guy drama so I’ve heard it all.” He tells me with a strained laugh.

“What are you doing here anyway?” I ask finally looking at him my belly turning over when he was closer than I expected smirking at me. I quickly looked away again.

“Just jogging. I like this park.” He tells me but my phone ringing in my pocket cuts him off halfway. I apologise to him and rush to answer my heart pounding anxiously when I see it’s Brandon.

“Hey where are you?” He asks as soon as I answer the phone. He sounds rushed not helping my nerves.

“I’m at maple park why?” I ask hearing the blood pumping throughout my body.

“Okay... Just stay there. See you in a minute.” He tells me and then hangs up before I could say anymore. With a sigh I let my hand fall down from my ear to my lap.

“If he didn’t do anything wrong why does he sound so worried?” Bryson asks from beside me clearly hearing the brief conversation.

“I don’t know. He kicked me out his place without an explanation...” I let slip biting my lip once it registered that I’d said it not really wanting to tell him anything.

“Ouch harsh. You have no idea why?” He questions and suddenly I can’t help but break a little my eyes filling with tears. Brandon might be on his way over here but I don't like feeling like I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t like all the uncertain uneasy feelings I have right now. Bryson notices and throws his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side his fingers brushing over my exposed arms. “You’re freezing do you want my jacket?” He asks already moving away and unzipping the thin workout hoodie his wearing.

“I’m fine.” I tell him taking a deep breath and wiping my eyes but he doesn’t listen wrapping it around my shoulders holding it there.

“You really like him huh?” He asks his voice full of care something I’d never of expected from him. I nod my eyes again brimming but I quickly wipe at them again feeling stupid. “I hope he sees how much of a mess his made you and I hope he feels guilty as shit because you’re a good guy Mason.” He tells me and again I just nod.

“I don't know if I did something wrong.” I tell him feeling weak and liking having him to talk to. “Me and you...” I stop. “It was bad right?” I ask turning again to look at him his face so close to mine.

“No Mason. It wasn’t bad. We were drunk there’s a difference.” He whispers his eyes looking down to my lips then slowly dragging back up to my eyes again. He begins leaning in and for a millisecond I can’t lie I thought about it glancing down to his lips before Brandon filled my mind and I quickly leant backwards away from him as soon as I did I heard my name being yelled across the park... Fuck.

I shoot up to my feet letting Bryson’s jacket fall from my shoulders spinning to see Brandon storming his way over to me. He looks livid. “This is him?” Bryson asks confused but I hardly hear him already planning out in my head what I was about to say.

“What the fuck Mase?” He yells glaring at me then to Bryson. “I should of fucking knew it.” He groans.

“Knew what? Nothing is going on with him!” I’m shocked that he’d think it was possible I mean other than the fact he just saw us like that.

“That didn’t look like nothing. It looked like you were getting cosy together... about to kiss Mason!” His face is so screwed up and bright red as if he ran over to us or maybe it was just from the shouting.

“No!” I say confidently keeping my eyes on his hoping he believed me.

“We weren’t?” Bryson asked sounding confused standing up too looking to me for clarity. Brandon huffs his hands on his hips.

“No we weren’t.” I tell him. “I promise Brandon.”

“We literally just had sex Mason. Now you’re here with him? It didn’t take you long at all to ask him to meet you did it?” He crosses his arms shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

“You two..?” Bryson steps back shooting looks between the both of us grinning. “Oh wow I never thought that.” He whispers to himself but I hear.

“Shut the fuck up. Why are you even here?” Brandon snaps at him.

“He asks I come.” He shrugs. “I’ve learnt by now that’s how it works.” He smirked. I stare at him open mouthed not believing how quickly he just changed.

“Oh really.” Brandon spins to look at me the hate on his face too much.

“His lying. Brandon his lying!” I beg him to believe me.

“So shall I go now or...” He trails and I snap yes. “Okay...” He turns and collects his jacket from the bench walking by me he leans to kiss my cheek but I move away avoiding it making him smile more knowing exactly what his doing. All of that he said was a lie. He was trying to get to me at my weakest. I was stupid for not seeing it and now his probably going to run and tell everyone what I just confided in him.

As he walked by Brandon I jumped when he grabbed him by his t-shirt and held him still Bryson smiled not at all worried. “Leave him alone. I don’t want you messing with him anymore understand?” He growls to him. “I fucking mean it. His mine.” He tells him my stomach screwing up into a knot when I heard his dominance.
Bryson doesn’t say anything even after his let go instead walks off silently.

Me and Brandon just stand in silence. I wait until I think Bryson is far enough to not hear us before I start. “I didn’t tell him to come here. I was just sitting there when he turned up and sat with me.”

“Really? That doesn’t sound believable Mason.” He adverts his eyes them black.

“Check my phone Brandon!” I pull it from my pocket and hold it out to him but he doesnt take it. I let my hand fall. “Why would I meet him that doesnt make any sense. I just came out for you. Told you I love you and slept with you. Why would I do all of that and within minutes be arranging to meet him?” I ask stepping closer to him wanting to hold him. He puts his arm out between us though not letting me get too close.

“Don’t.” He tells me sternly.

“I love you. Not anybody else.” I say my voice breaking.

“So why was his arm around you? Why were you wearing his jacket?” He asks his voice no longer mad just flat sounding confused like he wanted to trust me.

“I was crying because I didn’t know what the hell was going on with us. You just made me climb out your window so your mom didn’t see me like I’m some hooker. It’s bloody freezing! I told him no.” I try.

“I saw him try to kiss you.” He whispers finally looking at me swallowing hard.

“Yes. Him try to kiss me. I moved away. I don’t want to kiss anybody but you. I was about to screw at him and tell him he had it all wrong but then you stopped us.” I explain him finally loosening his arm so I could move it out the way and step closer to him. I let my body lay agaisnt his it feeling right.

“Promise me?” He drops his head down onto mine so I had no choice but to look him in the eyes.

“I promise you Brandon. I’d never... ever. I promise. I promise.” I mumbled wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him to me him relaxing into me pulling me down onto his chest as soon as he first heard me promise him the rest just being muffled into him. “I’m sorry it scared you.”

“I’m sorry I scared you. I shouldn’t of made you leave but I was scared.” He kisses my head holding me even tighter. “Can I take you home to my bed?” He pulls back before I can comment. I smile nodding desperately.

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