56. Mason; in need of a distraction

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I was woken to Brandon’s alarm which would always go off before mine. We both groaned him more than me as he knew he had no choice but to get up where as I could stay wrapped up in these sheets longer if I wanted. More annoying than the alarm though was when Brandon tore himself from below me making me realise I had spent all night curled tightly on him, no wonder I slept so peacefully no dreams...

He shuffled around in his wardrobe a little while finding his clothes as I rolled over hiding my face which was now dully lit as first morning light poured in through the curtains we hadn’t shut yesterday. The sound of the door somewhat quietly opening then closing again indicated Brandon had left the room to get himself ready for the day. Five or ten minutes later I was still wide awake listening for the water to start in the bathroom letting me know he was now in the shower or his feet on the stairs telling me he was going for a drink which he sometimes would do first, but nothing came.

I threw back the sheets going hunting for him knowing I’d have to get up soon anyway. Peering through the open bathroom door I saw him standing in smart fitted trousers and a white shirt his fingers delicately buttoning the top few buttons. He looked stunning. I knew when he got the job almost two years ago he would have to wear nice clothes daily and at first it was something I’d tease him for but never again. “Morning.” I made my presence known as I joined him near the sink reaching across him for my toothbrush. “No shower today?” I asked before rendering myself incapable of speaking when I filled my mouth with my paste covered brush.

“Nope.” He ran his hands down his chest flattening himself out making me jealous that I couldn’t do that to him too. “Your up early did I wake you?” His hand found the curve of my back as he stepped around me towards the door making me smile at something so simple and probably something that wasn’t even meant to be anything more than for his balance.

“Just your alarm did.” I managed to mumble the minty foam in my mouth bubbling more running down my chin as I did. I think somehow he understood what I’d said because I saw through the mirror his eyes frown a little before he returned back to his usual morning deadpan stare.

“I’m going to grab some breakfast for us.” He uttered before pushing me a smile into my reflection then disappearing from the room. Once gone I shoved the door closed going about my business.

My day again was uneventful. Troy of course teased me when I got in asking where my stalker was today when I ignored him he apologised correcting himself, further playing with me saying boyfriend. I took no notice of him getting my apron on and set up for the day keeping my back to him to hide my happiness thinking about Brandon being my boyfriend.

My phone went off a few times in my pocket in the afternoon but it was against policy to answer it so I had to hope it was nothing important and get on with making customers drinks and cleaning up.

Once finished I was able to check what I’d missed all day seeing it was our group chat that was going crazy with messages.

Blair: Whose in to go out tomoz night?

Brandon: who kicked Louie out the chat :’D ?

Levi: me! Where we goin?

Tony: im in whereva cuz gtta talk to Brn

Blair: great everyone coming?

Levi: if brand comes mase comes whatever his doing ignorin us!

Brandon: His workin like I should be so hurry up what we doin?

Blair: sexual innuendos in this chat killing me:D come on!

Tony: sent an attachment- Bowling. Havnt in ages!

Levi: yasssssss! Good man! Lets do it. Tomoma someone book

I ignored the message seeing as everyone had seemed to of already agreed and they were right if Brandon went I’d go and he seemed like he wanted to anyway.

I headed home Brandon’s car already in his drive way when I got back the front door left unlocked and singing being heard throughout the house. “Don't know why I tried, cause ain't nobody like you, familiar disappointment every single time I do. Every single night my arms are not around you, my mind's still wrapped around you. Baby tell me when you're ready I'm waiting. Baby, any time you're ready
I'm waiting. Even ten years from now if you haven't found somebody I promise, I'll be around. Tell me when you're ready
I'm waiting.” I listened to his angelic voice as I unlaced my shoes pushing them aside, his too which were left where he took them off in the middle of the doorway. I headed up the stairs trying to be as quiet as I could be not wanting him to know I was home yet, his singing too good for him to stop on my accord. “What if my Daddy’s right when he says that your the one? I can’t even argue I won’t even fight him.” The smile he must of been wearing I could hear in his words before he stopped although the water shutting off meaning he was done.

Still quietly I wondered into his room throwing myself onto his bed happy to be back here.

In he walked as I tried using my phone as a distraction from his body that was still running with water the only thing covering him being the small towel that was wrapped around his waist it coming mid thigh. His hair was left thick with water hanging flat around his face dripping onto his chest dribbling down only stopping when it got to the towel, clearly my phone as a distraction wasn’t working very well. “Hey! Did you see that in the group chat today?” He spoke up sounding to me just like he always does when he speaks to me or even the other guys. His lack of affection for me made me drag myself back to FaceBook scrolling through it acting as though I even cared what I was looking at as I did (by the way I didn’t). I hummed so he knew I heard, my phone even harder to focus on when he sat next to me on the edge of the bed.

“Your day okay?” He asked slowly watching my every move trying to see something that I was hiding.

The only thing I was hiding was how if I kept looking at him I’d have a huge boner and between last night’s activities and my rushed shower this morning I  was needing some relief so any sort of movement downstairs would be painful.

“Yeah it was fine. Work you know.” I let my eyes slip to his briefly hoping a quick look wouldn’t be too hard to look away from.

“Yours?” I managed to go back to FaceBook only now I was looking at things I’d already seen on my lunch break.

“Boring of course. Oh other than someone trying to get my number.” Quickly all my hard work trying to not look at him was useless as I dropped my phone low to stare now irritated.

“Girl or guy?” I asked masking my annoyance to the best of my ability.

“Tell me, what would be worse?” He was smirking at me now as if he thought this was funny. I however wasn’t rolling my eyes I didn’t want to play the game he was instead I opened YouTube knowing a video would be a better diversion. He laughed standing and going towards his chest of drawers opening them and dropping the towel without giving me warning. I adverted my eyes as soon as I noticed not wanting to be a pervert and honestly I hoped when I next saw him naked it’s because he wants me all over him not just because his winding me up.

“Girl.” I answered looking up just as be got his white Calvin Klein’s pulled on, his ass very firmly inside them, thick thighs popping out. As he turned towards me I looked away back to my phone still not yet finding something to watch.

“Answer why?” He asked his voice sounding controlling even if he hadn’t meant it in a forceful way.

My dick twitched at the sound of it almost making me moan. I answered because honestly I liked obeying him...

“Just because a guy asks for your number doesn’t mean he fancies you. Also if I believe you which I kind of do your not gay... If a girl asks for your number it’s because she’s into you.” He was grinning like an idiot now wearing a white long sleeved t-shirt and nothing else heading over to the bedroom door.

“Makes sense. It was a girl by the way. I told her no.” I had to hide my smile at his confession. “I’m making dinner. Coming?” The sight of him right now was too much... I had to turn him down feeling a little guilty he would have to make us dinner alone especially after he made us breakfast alone this morning too both times because I was showering. This shower was important though because I was painfully hiding a hard on that needed sorting before it got too out of control.

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