53. Brandon; boys night

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“I’m put off girls for life Mase.” I spoke as he flopped onto my bed after we both had showered , obviously I won, our sides brushing agaisnt each other as I tore into a packet of oreo cookies.

“Good.” He laughed holding his hand out for one of my cookies as we both sat agaisnt my headboard.

I looked to him smiling unable not to, giving him one our eyes meeting, smiles widening. “Finally single!” He cheered before sticking the entire cookie into his mouth my eyes widening in shock.

“You been practicing blowing or what?” I joked resulting in a shove. “Sorry Sorry.” I chuckled recovering from it holding my hands up in surrender. “Speaking of though.” I began noticing how he winced at what was coming. “How are you and Bryson?”

“There is no me and Bryson.” He shook his head. “Never was.”

“Okay I know but have you seen him again or?” I dragged kind of hoping he would speak a little about him and maybe why they had been texting and what about. I was a jealous person at the best of times but knowing this person is somebody he has actually hooked up with and it isn’t all in my head makes me even more nervous to what was actually going on between them.

“No. I told you it was a one time thing.” He said it so matter of a fact I probably would of believed him if not for seeing his name in his recent messages list. He was holding his hand out again for another cookie so I placed one in the palm of his hand tempted to just bring it up... “Anyway I’ve been too busy with you.” He laughed throwing his body onto mine upside down our stomachs rubbing together as he wrapped his arms around my legs squeezing me his head laying on my upper thigh.

“69.” I called making him question me not able to get the words out though before I was grabbing his legs from beside me and throwing them over my shoulders, his dick hovering my face not doing my frustration for how much I want him any favours.

“Eat ass.” He playfully messed around with me, like always never taking anything seriously, sitting up so he was sitting on my face before I rushed to throw him off us both in fits of laughter. As I sat back looking at him I was well aware that my feelings for him hadn’t gone away not that I ever questioned if they had. I wasn’t sure about him but if anything I wanted him more. I wished I could have the right words to explain to him exactly how he makes me feel when I’m around him. Promise to always be there for him and protect him from everything bad. I swore though that I was just going to he his friend nothing more so I pushed them deep down inside.

“Bryson did text the other day.” He spoke up slowly now as he lay against my side his legs spread out across the width of the bed his head resting on my ribs. I hummed not wanting to seem too interested although this was what I’d been waiting to hear all day.

“He asked if I fancied going around his again. But I told him I’m not interested so he text back an okay. His probably annoyed with me now.” He explained my heart relived when he did.

“I thought you enjoyed yourself with him. Why not just use him for hook ups?” I asked even though it hurt me to act like I wouldn’t mind if he did. I was glad he wasn’t seeing him anymore but still I couldn’t let on.

“I did but I don’t want someone to mess around with all the while.” He was staring off into space across my room while I looked down over him smirking as I thought of ways to make this conversation into a joke not liking when we were serious for too long. Anyway he’d already told me exactly what I wanted to hear.

“I thought you said you were bad at it so why he coming running back?” I teased making him roll his eyes.

“I didn’t hear you complaining.” He teased right back making me blush when I thought about us together. It still hadn’t sank in that we had gotten off together, probably because everything was so normal between us still and it happened a couple of months ago now. It was like a dream, I knew it happened and remember it happening and exactly what it felt like but it was still foreign feeling.

“Anyway I said I was bad at head not everything. Plus it’s Bryson! If I wanted someone to hook up with all the time I wouldn’t choose him.”

“Why? Was he rubbish too?” I was biting my tongue wanting to slag the guy off. He was all macho and everyone look at me but I bet he was compensating for something.

“You know when you first got with a girl and she kind of has no idea what she’s doing but someone other than yourself is touching you so it feels great anyway?” He questioned finally glancing up at me my mind going into the gutter especially as we were already partly there. I nodded my words not forming. “He could of been the worst ever but I'd still cum.” He shrugged.

“I don’t think that’s true because if it was just because anyone was touching you then you would of finished with that girl the once.” I didn’t like the idea of him enjoying being with anybody else... especially not when he was saying anybody could touch him and make him feel good.

“Okay the only thing that does matter is gender then. Any guy could touch me and I’d get off.” He emphasized.

“Way to make a guy feel good.” I nudged him making him laugh as he pulled himself out the bed heading over to my chest of drawers to put on a t-shirt after sitting all this time in just shorts.

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