7. Mason; Ignore it, forget it, pretend to be okay...

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My day was long and I dropped into bed at eight irritated and wound up. I knew as soon as my mom messaged this morning asking me to come back and watch my sister that I’d spend the day wishing I’d be anywhere else but here and I was right. My Mom was at work already once I got home and my Dad was sat on the sofa drink in hand obviously it not bothering him he was about to go and see a doctor in the middle of the day smelling like beer. “She’s upstairs.” He greeted me meaning my sister. I went up and knocked her door calling it was me before heading into my own room to try and relax before my Dad leaves.

He went at about two not forgetting to remind me he had left me a job list for while his gone.

1. Make sure Sofia has a shower
2. Wash up
3. Make sofa
4. Vacuum
5. Make dinner for Sofia
6. Wash up again
7. Tidy up before we home

It might of sounded pretty easy and I suppose you could say I’d have to do all that anyway if I had my own place and didn’t live at home but I don’t think you understand my sister can be a nightmare and also I pay rent here so I might as well have my own place! I’ve even thought about asking Brandon if I can move in with him. I’m sure his Dad wouldn’t mind he seems to like me and he isn’t home during the day much anyway. But I couldn’t because it would mean always sharing with Brandon and after getting less and less sleep each time I’m there I know I’d probably end up becoming ill or straight up killing our friendship by telling him how I feel well as best as I could explain.

So after all my chores being made three times as hard thanks to a overly picky, horribly untidy teenage sister I was done in by the time my parent’s got home the fact I then got into an argument with my Dad over the fact that I didn’t have work tomorrow, apparently at some point I promised to work more hours to help out more, I was stropping like the teenager I am to my room slamming the door. They were lucky really as soon as I finished school I was getting a job not seeing the point in college as I knew there wasn’t anything in particular that I wanted to do. That meant they didn’t have college bills to pay for and I began paying my keep quicker. My brother lived here rent free until he was twenty when my Dad got hurt in a car wreck. He then paid for a couple months before moving out to live alone, his girlfriend moving in soon after. I didn’t expect I’d live here for free I understood helping my mom and if I could work more hours without it killing me I would but at the same time it was her and Dad who had three kids and I think when you do that you have to know your looking after them until they are eighteen. I shouldn’t have to pay more than the £100 a week I pay. I’m sure I almost pay most the mortgage myself I don’t know why they worry so much.

I sent a text to Brandon as I slowly tore my clothes from my body , moving Brandon’s t-shirt to hang on the back of the door so I could put it back on once I was cleaned up. I hoped the shower would help me calm down but I was so tired and wound up my back ached, my shoulders sunk like weights were on them and I had to squeeze my eyes shut to hold back tears that welled purely because I’d had a rubbish day and my life at this point was going no where. I had Brandon but not how I wanted him. Anyway I’d been in this shower twenty minutes so far and my phone that I’d balanced on the edge of the bath hadn’t given me any indication he had replied to me.

Shutting the water off as it ran colder than it already was I quickly rubbed my body with the scratchy towel wasting no time in putting Brandon’s t-shirt back on even if I was acting snotty he hadn’t text back yet. Maybe he was showering too or eating. He wouldn’t of gotten home until almost 6 so he would of had two hours alone so far... but maybe he fell to sleep. I wrapped what was left of the towel around my waist to cover me as I walked to my room down the hallway brushing my teeth ready for bed before I did. I double checked my phone, no new messages, before I decided I needed to hear his voice rather than just his name on my screen.

Sitting on the edge of the bed in just the towel and his t-shirt still I relaxed with each ring as it dialled him before beginning to tense up with each ring as it dragged out longer and longer before eventually it went to voicemail.

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