18. Brandon; Don't be shy

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*smut warning*

It was past ten when Mason messaged I could come when I was ready. I didn’t need telling twice. I was already dressed in my black joggers and white t-shirt all I needed was my trainers. I’d been waiting to hear from him trying to take my mind off worrying how he was by watching Ted 2 on the sofa.

I found a zip up hoodie on the jacket rack by the front door and a white cap I put it on over my damp messy hair backwards of course, the only way I wear caps even if Mason hates it. I locked the house up and got in my car making the journey to his place while listening to the radio. ‘I can be tender/I can be rough/I can do anything you care for/Anything and above/Baby let me rock your body/Ride your body/Kiss your favourite spot/Screaming out my name you don’t have to tell me stop.’ I changed the radio station from the sexual song it being too much right now after a week without Nora and instead Mason and all this tension that was between us almost all the time.

A couple minutes later I was parking outside and sending him a text. After a couple minutes and no reply I went looking for him only to meet him at the front door, him opening it as I was about to knock still laughing with his brother about something stopping when he saw me. “Hey.” He sighed out looking happy to see me.

“Sorry Charlie but I’m stealing your brother for the night. We had plans.” I poked my head around the doorway seeing him sat on the sofa his shirt hanging undone. He smirked at me when he saw me.

“Oh don’t let me stop you go ahead.” He laughed. I turned back to Mason and he reached up for my cap turning it the right way before he brushed past saying bye to his brother, only for me to spin the cap back to how it was before then follow him to the car. We climbed in and looked at each other smiling.

“So how was it?” I asked the million dollar question. He seemed in a good mood so it couldn’t of been too bad.

“Amazing. Dad ended up flipping out because my uncle kept asking about me and you saying they aren’t gay! He was like would that be a problem and my Dad went silent. It was awkward but great.” He laughed literally beaming. He was gorgeous still in his suit it fitting him more than perfectly. I was staring and I didn’t care if he knew it.

“Good.” I was glowing too he made me so happy. I began the car and we headed back home him asking what I’d been up to without him and what I’d eaten.

By the time we were home it was eleven so having kicking our shoes off and getting him a drink of water, even though he wasn’t drunk he was a light weight and I didn’t need him having a hangover tomorrow, we headed to bed us both crashing onto it still in our clothes. I turned the t.v. on and American pie was on the channel it had been left on, the moment his masturbating into the pie too of all scenes.

I snuck a look at Mason spread out fixed on the screen zoned out like I do. I looked down over his body pretty sure he had a boner, no he did have a boner. Fuck now I did. I coughed sitting up awkward that we were sat here watching what we were while being turned on. He looked up at me amused like he didnt know what my problem was. “I um gonna go brush my teeth.” I excused myself very hastily heading to the bathroom splashing cold water on my face and trying to calm myself down.

‘You have a girlfriend. His your best friend.’ I kept trying to tell myself reasons why I couldn’t let anything happen between us but for every reason not to a reason why I should came to. ‘He feels the same. You’ve never tried anything like this before.’ I shook everything away snatching my toothbrush out the holder and brushing my teeth.

Once done I returned to the bedroom just as Mason was leaving struggling to undo his tie cursing under his breath, a clear indication he was in trouble with it. “Here.” I stopped him by grabbing the bottom aware that for the second time today I was dangerously close to his waistband area. He stopped and moved his hands away. It wasn’t an easy task as all his useless attempts had only tightened it knotting it harder to release. “Your a pain you know?” I mumbled as I concentrated on what I was doing so close to him ignoring as best as I could him watching me so intensely.
He hummed in agreement as if too caught up in me to answer. Finally it come loose and I was loosely holding it letting it fall down onto his shoulders. I glanced up to meet his eyes regretting it when I did because within a second I was glued to him.
“Thank you for today.” He spoke so soft almost like a whisper his words just for me.

“It’s fine. What are friends for if not for helping each other dress and undress.” I joked needing something to make everything less passionate.

He smirked again looking into my words finding a hidden innuendo. “I prefer the undressing.” He whispered his voice laced with desire. I wasn’t sure if this was him being the wind up he usually is or if for once he was serious. I looked down as if on impulse to his words my fingers coming up to his top buttons popping it undone and then the next the entire time his eyes on my working hands. “Brandon.” He breathed my name and like that I saw black my mind hazing with want for him I was really forcing myself to not jump on him waiting to hear him out knowing it would be something comical, hoping it would be enough to calm me down and set me straight again... not literally though. I met his eyes again, they were massive dilated to the max fixed on me. “What are we doing?” He asked his voice so serious it almost did throw me out of my hunger.

I didn’t know how to answer because I had no idea what I was doing right now. A minute ago it was me bailing from any sort of awkward moment repeating that I couldn’t with him and now here I am wanting to be all over him any thought of Nora pushed aside irrelevant right now. I didn’t know what to do with my hands either. They had been sat on his next button about to undo it but now I’d limply dropped them between us to my sides. I forced him a half a smile trying to tell him I didn’t know myself without words but he wasn’t satisfied with that he stayed looking at me for answers. “Well I don’t know about you but I think we were-" I was being completely forward trying to sound like I was joking about to say kiss but he cut me off before I could.

“You have a girlfriend.” He reminded me sounding disappointed.

“I do. I also have my best friend here in front of me.” I nodded trying to tell myself his right and this should never of been about to happen. Still I was looking at his half smile and needing more from him. I needed to see him happy. I could make him happy. “My best friend who has had kind of a shit night yet still came back here to me knowing I have a girlfriend.” I may not of been making much sense but I hoped he would just smile and stop acting like everything was the end of the world. If I kissed him now it wouldn’t be. Nora wouldn’t know and if she did I could pass it off as a joke I mean nobody would believe I’m gay. His my best friend so whatever I said he was they would believe too because I would know him better than anyone.

“I always come here.” He finally smiled. “To you.” He finished slower now his hand moving upwards his thumb brushing on my hip. That’s all it took for me to make my mind up on what I wanted. His hands on me gave me the last push over the edge of how badly I wanted him. I didn’t even think past the next few seconds hurriedly forcing my lips onto his. He moved his head to the side a little dodging my mouth making me madder, hungrier wrapping my hand around both sides of his tie and pulling on it as I attacked the side of his mouth I could reach and just like that he caved to pushing his lips back against mine with the same amount of pressure. I opened my mouth in an instant sloppily kissing him as his hands gripped my hips that were trying to push into his holding us apart. I slipped my hands up over his shoulders and into his hair keeping him locked onto me as I stepped towards him backing him to the door irritated that it was open and I couldn’t push him into it. I pretty much growled into his mouth feeling him smile at me. I broke our lips apart just long enough to slam the door shut then force him roughly into it my mouth just as quickly back on his as he moaned hands on my hips again but not to hold me away this time instead slowly exploring how far we could take this moving them to the front of my body and blinding unzipping my hoodie. The kiss was nothing like anything I’d ever done before never had kissing somebody made me want them this badly. The mix of how good his mouth taste and the sensation of his stubbled beard on me as I tongued his mouth mine fighting against his neither one of us backing down only added to my desperation. I felt his hands push my hoodie off over my shoulders his fingers grazing my biceps as he did I let it fall off and onto the floor not caring as his hands were on my arms running the length of them. I moved my own  one holding his cheek my thumb caressing his cheek bone, the other I brought to his hip as I gave in yet again and crashed my hips to his pulling him to meet me half way moaning in unison when our clothed boners met.

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