38. Mason; what's on the menu?

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That week went by pretty quickly probably because on Tuesday and Wednesday then again on Friday I was back to being at Brandon’s house hanging out with him playing PlayStation and watching Christmas movies and things, just being our old self only with the added flirting now. Nothing happened between us even though on many occasions we had come close one of us always stopped though before we could even kiss or touch inappropriately taking it seriously this time knowing how close we came before to loosing everything for nothing. Plus him and Nora had been together some time and it made me realise he must be serious about her so I would let him be happy with her no matter how much it killed me, it was nothing compared to him not being around.

That weekend we went Christmas shopping together on the Saturday and I asked him if he hadn’t already brought my presents to only buy me something cheap because I lied telling him I couldn’t afford to get him much and I felt terrible because he got me such a good birthday present and blah blah blah. We ended up just getting wrapping paper, cards and a few little bits for my family like sweets and stuff ending up in Burger King for dinner. We went home fighting for the shower, him making me believe for a minute when I won that he didn’t care and he was showering anyway as he took off his t-shirt and started on his jeans. I caved knowing I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him backing down that he could shower first. He won that one.

I played on his phone while he was in there really trying hard to not mooch through his messages with Nora and not go on his internet history even though I was mega curious about if he had watched anymore gay porn. Instead I just played a game where you have to make someone do flips on a trampoline the better the tricks the more points you get. After a while I got bored because I kept failing so I went out of it looking for something else to play. His phone was sat resting on my stomach pointing down at my crotch giving me an idea... I went onto his camera pulling my shirt up a little to expose my stomach I pulled back my trousers to reveal more stomach and my boxers taking the picture as I tensed up. It wasn’t anything really naughty but hopefully next time his alone he might look at it. I took the picture into his photo edit app and wrote over it to make it like a Christmas present for him, saving it back into his photos updated. Then I went back to his apps finding a car racing game playing on it as if nothing happened.

He came back in the room after his shower drying himself off seeing me on his phone he came over to look what I was doing.

“Don’t take it off me let me finish this race.” I spoke eyes glued to the screen as I turned one of the final corners. He seemed to relax seeing I wasn’t snooping letting me play he went to find himself some clothes.

I stayed at his house until Monday afternoon because we had officially broke up for the holidays. We were all meeting up on Wednesday anyway all the guys and their girlfriends at a pub to have a Christmas dinner together and probably see each other one last time before Christmas day. I think Nora leaves soon but I’m pretty sure she was coming Wednesday which I couldn’t say I was looking forward to.

Wednesday came and I dressed as smart as I thought necessary, black jeans and a white fitted shirt making my own way to the pub I wondered if I would get there before Brandon or not. I couldn’t see his car in the car park as I pulled in so I probably had beat him here. I went inside seeing our massive table of friends going right to them I was reluctant to take my seat yet without knowing where Brandon was sitting. “Here he is!” Louie laughed as I walked into area they were at standing behind him I clapped him on the shoulder smiling at everyone around the table.

“Where’s your wingman I heard you two have stopped acting like pansies now?” He asked looking behind me for Brandon.

“Didn’t you know Lou his bringing his girlfriendddd.” Tony dragged out. “Masons all but history now.” He teased making me roll my eyes.

“Yeah yeah alright.” I passed off his comment looking over to Blair who was giving me the how are you both smile. We hadn’t spoke much since we got back last week but he had texted me last Thursday to ask how things had gone between us when we dropped him home. He just knew we weren’t ignoring each other anymore or all over each other either.

Louie was excusing himself to go to the toilet so I took his seat knowing he would make me move but at least then it gave me more time for Brandon to arrive and I was standing around looking like an idiot while I waited. “So he is bringing her tonight?” I asked as I shrugged off my black jean jacket hanging it over the back of the chair. Our table was big enough for about ten people and so far people were missing.

It went me in Louie’s seat closet to the door in the middle, then a blank seat then Blair and Abbey his girlfriend, then another blank seat, then Tony and his on again off again girlfriend I’d met a couple times before, then Levi then an empty seat again. If Levi would just take the seat beside me then great I’d be by Mason unless he sits Nora there, urgh. “Yeah I think so.” Blair replied giving me questioning eyes probably wondering how I didn’t know that already, thing is we don’t really talk about her much because I get pissy and I think he notices so we keep quiet and only talk about her when important or I bring her up.

“Speak of the devils!” Levi spoke up looking behind us towards the door. I turned around spotting as Brandon held the door open for Nora letting her inside first wearing a shiny glittery black dress and heels a lot of heads from other guys turning as she smiled back over her shoulder to Brandon thanking him. It wasn’t her I was looking at though it was Brandon. He was wearing the Christmas jumper I brought him with a white shirt on underneath just the collar sticking out from under it and his cuffs peaking at the sleeves. He also had black jeans on only his fit nicer than mine I’d come to the conclusion it was his body shape that meant they fit him so well. He also had on his doc martens wearing them in that  scruffy way he always does his trousers just about sitting around them tucked up a little. He looked stunning his hair neatly pulled into a bun on top of his head, his hand fell to the small of her back as he smiled at her leading her over to our table. Only his smile widened when he seen me his hand moving away from her completely falling to his side.

“Hey sorry we are late.” She greeted us making a point to remind me they were probably up to no good before coming that being why they were late.

“Well hello hello.” I heard turning my head to see Louie strolling over hands in his pockets as if he couldn’t care less, only I knew Louie and again he was staring at the two of them like they were the only people here, just like at the Bonfire party when Levi told him to not be so obvious... which reminded me I desperately needed to talk to him about that. Nora was smiling at him then looking at the ground shyly, okay something weird was happening between them.

“Nora sit down.” Brandon told her offering his hand out to the seat next to Blair looking again at me he smiled putting his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?” He grinned asking just me. I nodded smiling back as he took the seat beside me.

“Excuse me sorry to interrupt your eye sex but Mason is in my seat.” Louie announced to us both, Nora stopping her small chit chat with Abbey over Blair turning to look at Brandon and I.

“You can sit there.” I pointed to next to Levi but he soon began on about if he wanted to sit there he would of sat there and he wants his seat back and on he went.

“Just sit down.” Tony laughed at how stupid he was acting gesturing next to Levi he looked over at Levi shaking his head looking back at me.

“Mason I really don’t care how important it is that you sit next to your little gay crush just move.” He again brought up how I only wanted his seat to sit by Brandon, was it that obvious? Brandon was saying something so I looked to him seeing his hand on Nora’s arm as he said something to her making me annoyed even more than I was hearing him make gay jokes.

“I really wouldn’t.” I warned him and as he went to open his mouth Abbey stood up making all our attention turn to her. She simply moved to the spare seat beside her pulling on Blair’s arm indicating he should move along too.

“Move up babe.” Brandon told Nora and she did Brandon patting the seat beside him where he had been sitting for me to take. Jokes on Louie because it was now me and Brandon in a booth seat with Nora though as Blair and Abbey sat on chairs opposite Louie and a free seat. Brandon’s hand patted my knee as I turned my attention away from Louie telling myself to calm down.

“That for your imaginary girlfriend?” I asked Louie snottily looking at the spare seat beside him making him fake laugh and roll his eyes.

“At least I like girls.” He spat the low blow Blair Woahing at how out of line he was. Brandon’s hand very quickly was back on my leg higher than my knee now stopping me from standing up to him.

“Hey! Enough!” He looked around me to Louie sticking up for me. Louie held his hands up backing down Levi and Tony mumbling something to each other behind his girlfriend’s head so I had no idea what. I felt like I was being teamed up on everyone talking about my sexuality making me really uncomfortable.

“I need a drink.” I announced standing making Brandon’s hand drop off me as I walked away from the table to the bar.

It didn’t take long for Brandon to follow me over his hand on my shoulder as he leant into me whispering so nobody would hear. “Ignore them hun they are jealous.” He then turned to the bartender who was pouring my beer calling for him to make it two.

“Jealous of what?” I asked struggling to keep the smile from my face that he just called me hun something I’ve never heard him call anyone.

“Us.” He turned around leaning his back on the bar looking over to the table his face contorting to a frown. I turned around seeing what he wasn’t happy about, Nora leant over talking to Louie.

“You know them two act strange.” I told him what I’d been thinking before. Thanking the bartender and paying for mine and Brandon’s drinks taking them turning around the same as Brandon was handing him his watching the two of them together as he asked how so. “I just noticed I’m not sure. He just looks at her a lot and when someone mentioned she was coming tonight he suddenly needed the toilet. I don’t know maybe his crushing on her.” I tried blowing it off to nothing even though I seen the way she shyly greeted him, not so innocent herself.

“He best not.” He mumbled stepping away from the bar taking a step forward to head back to the table stopping mid step as I grabbed his shoulder tugging him back to me so I could whisper to him.

“It’s only the same as me crushing on you.” I grinned making him smile he tried to ignore me pulling away from my hand. Sneakily I slipped it down over his back grabbing a handful of his ass making him jump away from me turning back laughing. I winked faking a growl making him shake off his laugh and walk away as I followed. We joined everyone back at the table Brandon not even being polite and excusing himself as he walked straight in front of Louie to sit down interrupting whatever he was talking to Nora about. I sat down to speaking around the both to Blair asking what he did after we got back from our holiday.

“Me and Abbey caught up and then you know probably the same thing you and Brandon done I would of thought.” His mischievous grin said it all telling me he was being crude.

“Oh I slept yeah. A lot of sleeping happened.” I nodded my hand disappearing under the table to move Brandon’s hand that was sliding up my thigh a little too high dragging it down lower.

“Sleeping wasn’t exactly what we did.” He turned to look at Abbey who slapped his arm blushing. Brandon’s hand was still now as he called to Levi across the table asking if he’d gotten a new phone. I looked at his phone that was on the table it evidently the exact same as he’d always had, Brandon just trying to make conversation.

“Funny that.” I smiled to Blair he definitely believed me and Brandon were back to being up to no good and I didn’t care I actually liked that he did. I also liked how Brandon hadn’t asked Nora if she wanted a drink when he came after me and how he’d let me pay without asking if I minded.

I looked to Levi who was talking to Brandon now about his phone and how his upgrade wasn’t due for another few months and that he wanted to get the iPhone X, and who even cares? Sorry that was rude I mean I don’t care and Brandon didn’t either the way he was squeezing my knee pinching his lips to hide his smile resting his elbow on the table.

I noticed from the corner of my eye Blair watching us then looking to Nora. I looked at her to see if she was maybe catching on to me and Brandon but she was lost in looking at her bracelet spinning it around her wrist bored. I looked back at Blair just in time to see him fake drop a napkin from the table going under to pick it up there was no doubt in my mind he was trying to see what me and Brandon was finding so funny. I dipped my hand under to push Brandon away his face confused as he looked at me. I nodded toward Blair as he came back up moving my hand back on top of the table I reached for the menu.

“What’s on the menu tonight?” Blair asked and I swear he was asking all this on purpose making a dig that he knew something about me and Brandon, jokes on him nothing is happening, anymore. “Pork?” He was struggling to not laugh at his own jokes.

“Well aCT-" my voice rose as Brandon’s hand was suddenly back only this time literally on my dick giving me a small squeeze as I shot down to move him away.

“I hope so.” He smirked trying to cover up my loss of words except it was way too obvious to hide and even Levi had stopped talking about himself to look at me and then Brandon.

“Are you two being gay again?” Louie spoke up making me groan loudly with frustration.

“Seriously stop now with the gay jokes. Your pissing me off.” I looked at him giving him the death glare just as some up themselves waiter came along smiling at our confrontation.

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