41. Brandon; I missed you

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It was now Friday and not only was Mason coming over at some point today but a couple of the guys were too, wanting to hang out without arguments before Christmas. Levi was coming and so was Blair, Louie wasn’t invited and Tony was busy or at least I think he was, he hadn’t gotten back to anyone yet. Jack was also meant to be coming as nobody had seen him since Blair’s birthday party so would be good to catch up on what’s been keeping him so busy.

I spent the entire day switching between watching crappy T.v. and playing PlayStation pausing for a few hours to have lunch, go for a run just to get me out of the house even though it was bitter cold and slippery out, before coming home and showering getting ready for people to start turning up. I was a really simple guy living in either shorts joggers or my jeans and as I wasn’t sure what we would be doing tonight I decided to go with jeans knowing if we were staying in I could always change. I put on a green colour hoodie pulling on the strings to make it tighter around my neck collapsing onto the sofa I found a boxing game on T.v. as I said a goodbye to my Dad as he left for work. He called from the door as he left that someone was here for me, I turned to look expecting it to be Mason disappointed when I saw it was Blair that was walking in instead.

“See you all tomorrow Brandon. Don’t destroy the place or do anything stupid please.” He spoke it evident to him that more than just Blair was coming over because I’d never hung out with just him in my life.

“Hey.” Blair greeted flatly as he came to join me sitting on the sofa his eyes already finding the fight on the screen. “I thought Mason would of been here by now.” He continued on, my eyes not leaving the match to acknowledge he was here other than the smile I’d sent his way when he first walked over.

“Nope.” I popped the p as I said it hating that he was already talking about Mason it was as if he was obsessed with him, to me anyway but maybe that was my jealously.

“Not yet.” I told him throwing my arm onto the back of the sofa as I kicked my leg up a little too. I seen from the corner of my eye as he nodded hearing my words. “Why? Did you come early to lecture us or something?” I asked finally glancing over to check his response feeling less pissy when I saw him smile shaking his head.

“No. I didn’t know when people were coming.” He explained his eyes the same as mine locked on the fight. “Who do you think will win?” He asked as the silence between us dragged out it turning a little uncomfortable.

“For sure Tantum.” I answered honestly watching as he threw punch after punch each of them colliding somewhere on his opponents body.

Blair laughed at my answer making me shoot him a weird look. “No way.” He shook his head disagreeing with me.

“He won every fight he had this year.” I reminded him finding it stupid he thought anybody could beat him so easily.

“Yeah and he lost every fight last year.” He also reminded me making me shake my own head still not agreeing with him. “Also he broke his nose literally last week so that’s his soft spot and everyone knows it.” He voiced us both back to staring at the match both of them holding their own so far.

“Speed has the worst management right now there is no way his got this fight under his belt.” I continued sticking up for the boxer I thought was going to win Blair laughed at me sitting forward a little in his seat asking if I was serious his eyes moving to me making me look at him. We both just sat for a minute looking at each other only it felt nothing like me and Mason. This felt strange to me and I didn’t know how to act Blair being no where near as easy to read as Mason. I took him in for a minute seeing he was wearing a navy t-shirt that hugged his biceps which were bigger than mine and probably double the size of Mason’s, his chest broader than me too as he sat taller than me in his seat. He had a stubby looking beard growing longer every time I seen him and for once I wondered what it would feel like to kiss someone with that much hair on their face. I looked away with a small laugh as suddenly I realised exactly what I was doing, I was checking out a guy, a guy that wasn’t Mason and finding that he didn’t even compare.
“You know” I began sensing he knew I’d just been looking at him. “It’s kind of weird having someone sit and talk about boxing with me. Mason never has a clue he just sits watching for my sake.” I told him with a small chuckle as I turned back to the fight for just a glance before Blair spoke up.

“Are you saying you prefer me because I’m-" I cut him off snapping my head in his direction.

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