27. Mason; late night phone calls

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I was way drunk by now even though I didn’t really need to be. Me and Brandon had just been talking, messing around like everything was fine between us. Some girl had been talking to me I think her name was Layla or Lara I’m not sure I was too happy to listen to her properly. Once she had finished I went to find Blair to tell him the good news...

Me and Blair ended up leaving the party after staying later than everyone else to clean up, this part of the party was a buzz kill really. I hadn’t seen Brandon since earlier on but I wasn’t too worried he probably found his girlfriend and they left together. I was more sure now than ever he would text me tomorrow or even if not tomorrow soon.

But then it went exactly back to how it was before, another week without a text, a week of silence from us both. I was pissed, hurt and confused how it went from us acting on good terms to still not hearing from him. It had been a while since our regular meet up meal so I begged Blair to arrange one hoping Brandon would be there and it would be better this time. We wouldn’t be drunk, we would laugh and everyone would go and we would talk and we would be okay.

I wasn’t way off either. We joked around, everyone did. We looked at each other a lot and we were happy but we hardly spoke to each other and at the end of the night he left at the same time as the other guys leaving me to get a taxi home alone back to my house. We were still friends but it was as if he didn’t want everything to go back to how it was. He wanted to be like all the other relationships we had with the other guys, distant and impersonal. I mean I didn’t text him either so maybe he thought I wanted the same.

That was Friday night, Saturday night I was in bed watching Gaurdians of the Galaxy for the hundredth time when I got a text. It was past midnight as like normal I couldn’t sleep and I moaned in annoyance as I fumbled around the sheets looking for my phone suddenly the time didnt matter as I bolted up right seeing his name.

This place is lit

It wasn’t something I excepted and at first I wondered if he had even meant to text me. I didn’t get my hopes up any higher than they were knowing I’d only get hurt.

B: Im at Jack’s. U shud b her

M: U know I don’t do club parties

That’s right he had mentioned last night that he was going to Jacks birthday party tonight and had asked people to go with him. God knows how he keeps getting into all these clubs but it wasn’t something I’d be doing, running to him in a club at almost three in the morning, damn I hadn’t noticed it was that late.

B: Fr me?

Ok wht bout mine?

M: What are you talking about?

B: I miss ur body Mason pls xome mine

M: Ur drunk Brandon we can talk

B: but I miss u nowwww

M: Sorry. Text when sober

B: U were the best ive eber had u know that

M: Brandon... just get home safe

B; I think bouy u whem im with het all the tome. I miss u

M: Go home B

And then I didn’t hear anymore off him, not that night or the next day or even the entire week, another week of silence.

That weekend was my birthday only I didn’t feel like a party or anything crazy so instead I went for a meal. I told my mom to arrange it knowing she knew where to go and how many people should go. I was allowed to invite four mates, Brandon my first pick and I even text him to ask.

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